I am trying to use the function 'filter.NA=TRUE' in Geneland. The function appears to be set on TRUE by default, as it appears as TRUE in the 'parameter.txt' file output and hence I do not need to enter the function per se (as it is an 'Unused argument otherwise') . Hence all my missing data (individuals that I have not yet scored at that specific loci) are scored as double null alleles, this even though I use the default setting NA in my 'score matrix'. I am therefore trying to enter a matrix of 103 x 9 (103 individual x 9loci) with 0 for real alleles (null or not) and 1 for non scored alleles called upon using the miss.loc function in MCMC, in addition to the 'genotype' and 'coordinate' matrices. However when starting the MCMC, after initialisation of all functions I get this message: list (object) can not be coerced into integer And the MCMC is stopped. I only get this message when entering the 'null allele' matrix and using the miss.loc function in the MCMC. Any idea what this is about? Here is the command I enter: library(Geneland) coord<-read.table("path.txt") geno<-read.table("path.txt") nullal<-read.table("path.txt") dim(nullal) dim(coord) dim(geno) plot(coord,xlab="east",ylab="north",asp=1) MCMC(coordinates=coord,geno.dip.codom=geno,miss.loc=nullal,delta.coord=0,varnpop=TRUE,npopmax=40,spatial=TRUE,freq.model="Uncorrelated",nit=100000,thinning=10,path.mcmc="path_whichever it is/") Olivier BAGGIANO PhD Candidate Australian Rivers Institute Griffith School of Environment Griffith University, Nathan Qld 4111 Work: (07) 3735 5359 -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/miss-loc-function-in-MCMC-Geneland-can-t-make-it-work-tp2236836p2236836.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]