Greg Gilbert
2010-Mar-25 12:40 UTC
[R] Returning Data Frame from Function for use Outside Function
I have a function (see below) that does some bootstrapping (I am happy to expand offline why I could use existing functions.) I put my results into and empty matrix and add a row of results with each iteration. My problem is i am a new user to R and I don't understand data frames, matrices, elements, and vectors well. What I would like is to have a data frame I can manipulate outside of the function, further it would rock if I could get the names of the fixed effect coefficients on the columns. TIA -------------- cut here -------------- options(repos="") myPackages <- c("Hmisc", "lme4", "Epi") install.packages(myPackages, dependencies=TRUE) update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE) library(Hmisc) library(lme4) library(Epi) memory.limit(size=4095) vbig <- read.csv("// File/vcohort.csv", header=TRUE) vcohort <- vbig[,c(1:12, 14:15, 21:33, 35:36)] rm(vbig) vcohort <- cleanup.import(vcohort) ## Change the reference levels for some of the factor ## values. By default R orders the factor values alphabetically ## and numerically. In some case we wish to choose different ## reference levels vcohort$GENDER <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$SEX), list("M", "F"), first=TRUE) vcohort$AGE <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$AGE_CAT), list("4", "2", "3", "1"), first=TRUE) vcohort$VISN <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$VISN2), list("8", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23"), first=TRUE) #f <- mpr100 ~ time + nhb + hispanic + other + # rural + hrural + # factor(age) + factor(gender) + factor(mstat) + factor(svcpct2) + nvaclass + # a1cgrp8 + anemdef + cbd + chf + chrnlung + htn_c + # hypothy + obese + perivasc + pulmcirc + tumor + # depress + psych + # nhb*rural + hispanic*rural + other*rural + # nhb*hrural + hispanic*hrural + other*hrural + # nhb*factor(age) + hispanic*factor(age) + other*factor(age) + # rural*factor(age) + hrural*factor(age) + # (1|id) + (1|visn2) f <- MPR100 ~ TIME + NHB + HISPANIC + OTHER + (1|ID) boot.rem <- function(data, id, pct, time, formula, reps, vars) { ## Order the observations accroding to increasing ID my.df2 <- vcohort[order(data$ID, decreasing=FALSE),] ## Create a vector of nonduplicating IDs <- my.df2[!duplicated(my.df2[,"ID"]),"ID"] ## Determine the sample size as a percentage of ## the population sz <- length(*(pct/100) ## Create a matrix of NAs with ROWS equal to the number ## of REPS and the number of columns equal to the number ## of independent variables ## results <- matrix(NA, nrow=reps, ncol=vars) ## Remove the data frame to help manage memory ## Do a any number of regressions to bootstrap regression ## estimates for(i in 1:reps){ ## Randomly sample the population WITHOUT replacement ID <- sample(, sz, replace=FALSE) ## Create a data fram out of the vector of randomly ## sampled IDs sample.obs <- data.frame(ID) ## Display the number of rows in the random sample nrow(sample.obs) ## Merge the sampled observations with the cohort to ## get the variable information all <- merge(sample.obs, vcohort, by="ID") ## For some reason some observations get repeated ## in the sampling procedure. To account for this ## remove all observations having duplicate ID and ## TIME information e.g. id=1502, time=1; id=1502, ## time=1 (delete one of these) analysis <- all[!duplicated(all[,c("ID","TIME")]),] ## Fit the mixed model fit <- lmer(formula, analysis) ## Output the COEFFICIENT results into a data vector results[i,] <- fixef(fit) if (i==reps) print(pct"% sample") if (i==reps) pring(reps "repetitions") if (i==reps) print(summary(results)) } } boot.rem(vcohort, ID, 10, TIME, f, 3, 5) -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
Greg Gilbert
2010-Mar-25 12:40 UTC
[R] Returning Data Frame from Function for use Outside Function
I have a function (see below) that does some bootstrapping (I am happy to expand offline why I could use existing functions.) I put my results into and empty matrix and add a row of results with each iteration. My problem is i am a new user to R and I don't understand data frames, matrices, elements, and vectors well. What I would like is to have a data frame I can manipulate outside of the function, further it would rock if I could get the names of the fixed effect coefficients on the columns. TIA -------------- cut here -------------- options(repos="") myPackages <- c("Hmisc", "lme4", "Epi") install.packages(myPackages, dependencies=TRUE) update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE) library(Hmisc) library(lme4) library(Epi) memory.limit(size=4095) vbig <- read.csv("// File/vcohort.csv", header=TRUE) vcohort <- vbig[,c(1:12, 14:15, 21:33, 35:36)] rm(vbig) vcohort <- cleanup.import(vcohort) ## Change the reference levels for some of the factor ## values. By default R orders the factor values alphabetically ## and numerically. In some case we wish to choose different ## reference levels vcohort$GENDER <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$SEX), list("M", "F"), first=TRUE) vcohort$AGE <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$AGE_CAT), list("4", "2", "3", "1"), first=TRUE) vcohort$VISN <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$VISN2), list("8", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23"), first=TRUE) #f <- mpr100 ~ time + nhb + hispanic + other + # rural + hrural + # factor(age) + factor(gender) + factor(mstat) + factor(svcpct2) + nvaclass + # a1cgrp8 + anemdef + cbd + chf + chrnlung + htn_c + # hypothy + obese + perivasc + pulmcirc + tumor + # depress + psych + # nhb*rural + hispanic*rural + other*rural + # nhb*hrural + hispanic*hrural + other*hrural + # nhb*factor(age) + hispanic*factor(age) + other*factor(age) + # rural*factor(age) + hrural*factor(age) + # (1|id) + (1|visn2) f <- MPR100 ~ TIME + NHB + HISPANIC + OTHER + (1|ID) boot.rem <- function(data, id, pct, time, formula, reps, vars) { ## Order the observations accroding to increasing ID my.df2 <- vcohort[order(data$ID, decreasing=FALSE),] ## Create a vector of nonduplicating IDs <- my.df2[!duplicated(my.df2[,"ID"]),"ID"] ## Determine the sample size as a percentage of ## the population sz <- length(*(pct/100) ## Create a matrix of NAs with ROWS equal to the number ## of REPS and the number of columns equal to the number ## of independent variables ## results <- matrix(NA, nrow=reps, ncol=vars) ## Remove the data frame to help manage memory ## Do a any number of regressions to bootstrap regression ## estimates for(i in 1:reps){ ## Randomly sample the population WITHOUT replacement ID <- sample(, sz, replace=FALSE) ## Create a data fram out of the vector of randomly ## sampled IDs sample.obs <- data.frame(ID) ## Display the number of rows in the random sample nrow(sample.obs) ## Merge the sampled observations with the cohort to ## get the variable information all <- merge(sample.obs, vcohort, by="ID") ## For some reason some observations get repeated ## in the sampling procedure. To account for this ## remove all observations having duplicate ID and ## TIME information e.g. id=1502, time=1; id=1502, ## time=1 (delete one of these) analysis <- all[!duplicated(all[,c("ID","TIME")]),] ## Fit the mixed model fit <- lmer(formula, analysis) ## Output the COEFFICIENT results into a data vector results[i,] <- fixef(fit) if (i==reps) print(pct"% sample") if (i==reps) pring(reps "repetitions") if (i==reps) print(summary(results)) } } boot.rem(vcohort, ID, 10, TIME, f, 3, 5) -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
Greg Gilbert
2010-Mar-25 12:41 UTC
[R] Returning Data Frame from Function for use Outside Function
I have a function (see below) that does some bootstrapping (I am happy to expand offline why I could use existing functions.) I put my results into and empty matrix and add a row of results with each iteration. My problem is i am a new user to R and I don't understand data frames, matrices, elements, and vectors well. What I would like is to have a data frame I can manipulate outside of the function, further it would rock if I could get the names of the fixed effect coefficients on the columns. TIA -------------- cut here -------------- options(repos="") myPackages <- c("Hmisc", "lme4", "Epi") install.packages(myPackages, dependencies=TRUE) update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE) library(Hmisc) library(lme4) library(Epi) memory.limit(size=4095) vbig <- read.csv("// File/vcohort.csv", header=TRUE) vcohort <- vbig[,c(1:12, 14:15, 21:33, 35:36)] rm(vbig) vcohort <- cleanup.import(vcohort) ## Change the reference levels for some of the factor ## values. By default R orders the factor values alphabetically ## and numerically. In some case we wish to choose different ## reference levels vcohort$GENDER <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$SEX), list("M", "F"), first=TRUE) vcohort$AGE <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$AGE_CAT), list("4", "2", "3", "1"), first=TRUE) vcohort$VISN <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$VISN2), list("8", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23"), first=TRUE) #f <- mpr100 ~ time + nhb + hispanic + other + # rural + hrural + # factor(age) + factor(gender) + factor(mstat) + factor(svcpct2) + nvaclass + # a1cgrp8 + anemdef + cbd + chf + chrnlung + htn_c + # hypothy + obese + perivasc + pulmcirc + tumor + # depress + psych + # nhb*rural + hispanic*rural + other*rural + # nhb*hrural + hispanic*hrural + other*hrural + # nhb*factor(age) + hispanic*factor(age) + other*factor(age) + # rural*factor(age) + hrural*factor(age) + # (1|id) + (1|visn2) f <- MPR100 ~ TIME + NHB + HISPANIC + OTHER + (1|ID) boot.rem <- function(data, id, pct, time, formula, reps, vars) { ## Order the observations accroding to increasing ID my.df2 <- vcohort[order(data$ID, decreasing=FALSE),] ## Create a vector of nonduplicating IDs <- my.df2[!duplicated(my.df2[,"ID"]),"ID"] ## Determine the sample size as a percentage of ## the population sz <- length(*(pct/100) ## Create a matrix of NAs with ROWS equal to the number ## of REPS and the number of columns equal to the number ## of independent variables ## results <- matrix(NA, nrow=reps, ncol=vars) ## Remove the data frame to help manage memory ## Do a any number of regressions to bootstrap regression ## estimates for(i in 1:reps){ ## Randomly sample the population WITHOUT replacement ID <- sample(, sz, replace=FALSE) ## Create a data fram out of the vector of randomly ## sampled IDs sample.obs <- data.frame(ID) ## Display the number of rows in the random sample nrow(sample.obs) ## Merge the sampled observations with the cohort to ## get the variable information all <- merge(sample.obs, vcohort, by="ID") ## For some reason some observations get repeated ## in the sampling procedure. To account for this ## remove all observations having duplicate ID and ## TIME information e.g. id=1502, time=1; id=1502, ## time=1 (delete one of these) analysis <- all[!duplicated(all[,c("ID","TIME")]),] ## Fit the mixed model fit <- lmer(formula, analysis) ## Output the COEFFICIENT results into a data vector results[i,] <- fixef(fit) if (i==reps) print(pct"% sample") if (i==reps) pring(reps "repetitions") if (i==reps) print(summary(results)) } } boot.rem(vcohort, ID, 10, TIME, f, 3, 5) -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
Greg Gilbert
2010-Mar-25 12:42 UTC
[R] Returning Data Frame from Function for use Outside Function
I have a function (see below) that does some bootstrapping (I am happy to expand offline why I could use existing functions.) I put my results into and empty matrix and add a row of results with each iteration. My problem is i am a new user to R and I don't understand data frames, matrices, elements, and vectors well. What I would like is to have a data frame I can manipulate outside of the function, further it would rock if I could get the names of the fixed effect coefficients on the columns. TIA -------------- cut here -------------- options(repos="") myPackages <- c("Hmisc", "lme4", "Epi") install.packages(myPackages, dependencies=TRUE) update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE) library(Hmisc) library(lme4) library(Epi) memory.limit(size=4095) vbig <- read.csv("// File/vcohort.csv", header=TRUE) vcohort <- vbig[,c(1:12, 14:15, 21:33, 35:36)] rm(vbig) vcohort <- cleanup.import(vcohort) ## Change the reference levels for some of the factor ## values. By default R orders the factor values alphabetically ## and numerically. In some case we wish to choose different ## reference levels vcohort$GENDER <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$SEX), list("M", "F"), first=TRUE) vcohort$AGE <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$AGE_CAT), list("4", "2", "3", "1"), first=TRUE) vcohort$VISN <- Relevel(factor(vcohort$VISN2), list("8", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23"), first=TRUE) #f <- mpr100 ~ time + nhb + hispanic + other + # rural + hrural + # factor(age) + factor(gender) + factor(mstat) + factor(svcpct2) + nvaclass + # a1cgrp8 + anemdef + cbd + chf + chrnlung + htn_c + # hypothy + obese + perivasc + pulmcirc + tumor + # depress + psych + # nhb*rural + hispanic*rural + other*rural + # nhb*hrural + hispanic*hrural + other*hrural + # nhb*factor(age) + hispanic*factor(age) + other*factor(age) + # rural*factor(age) + hrural*factor(age) + # (1|id) + (1|visn2) f <- MPR100 ~ TIME + NHB + HISPANIC + OTHER + (1|ID) boot.rem <- function(data, id, pct, time, formula, reps, vars) { ## Order the observations accroding to increasing ID my.df2 <- vcohort[order(data$ID, decreasing=FALSE),] ## Create a vector of nonduplicating IDs <- my.df2[!duplicated(my.df2[,"ID"]),"ID"] ## Determine the sample size as a percentage of ## the population sz <- length(*(pct/100) ## Create a matrix of NAs with ROWS equal to the number ## of REPS and the number of columns equal to the number ## of independent variables ## results <- matrix(NA, nrow=reps, ncol=vars) ## Remove the data frame to help manage memory ## Do a any number of regressions to bootstrap regression ## estimates for(i in 1:reps){ ## Randomly sample the population WITHOUT replacement ID <- sample(, sz, replace=FALSE) ## Create a data fram out of the vector of randomly ## sampled IDs sample.obs <- data.frame(ID) ## Display the number of rows in the random sample nrow(sample.obs) ## Merge the sampled observations with the cohort to ## get the variable information all <- merge(sample.obs, vcohort, by="ID") ## For some reason some observations get repeated ## in the sampling procedure. To account for this ## remove all observations having duplicate ID and ## TIME information e.g. id=1502, time=1; id=1502, ## time=1 (delete one of these) analysis <- all[!duplicated(all[,c("ID","TIME")]),] ## Fit the mixed model fit <- lmer(formula, analysis) ## Output the COEFFICIENT results into a data vector results[i,] <- fixef(fit) if (i==reps) print(pct"% sample") if (i==reps) pring(reps "repetitions") if (i==reps) print(summary(results)) } } boot.rem(vcohort, ID, 10, TIME, f, 3, 5) -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at