Hello. I want to use conditional logistic regression to calculate the probability of winning one of three players in golf. I was able to calculate these probabilities in Stata10, and I now want to transfer the code in the R Project, because it is can get data directly form MySQL. Unfortunately, I'm novice in R and I can't calculate the probability using the predict function when trying to get out of sample forecasts. The code I use to built the regression is and generate predictions is: predict (clogit (place ~ rating1+ rating2+rating3+strata(event_id), data a), b, type = "expected") Here "a" - my original data, "b" - the new data, for which I want to calculate probabilities. The sample is grouped by number of the event (event_id). What am I doing wrong? When I try to calculate the probability of the data outside the sample, I get an error "Method not yet finished." Reading the history of this mailing list, I found mention of this error back in 2008. Does this mean that clogit function is no longer being developed and there is another, more suitable function? I tried to replace clogit witch cph, but in this case, the error was: Error in names (Strata) <- paste ( "S", 1: nstrata, sep = ""): 'names' attribute [2] must be the same length as the vector [0] Can I use R Project to calculate the conditional probabilities, or am I doomed to use Stata? WBR Dmitrij [[alternative HTML version deleted]]