It is good to cc posts to help list also as others could have their
insights and also other users can learn from it.
"Pauline Haleux (JIC)" <pauline.haleux at bbsrc.ac.uk> napsal
dne 16.02.2010
> I tried
> growth<-sample(60:80, 20, replace=T)
> sugar<-sample(letters[1:3], replace=T)
> DF<-data.frame(growth=growth, sugar=sugar)
> boxplot(growth~sugar, ylab="growth", xlab="sugar",
> and got
> > growth<-sample(60:80, 20, replace=T)
> > sugar<-sample(letters[1:3], replace=T)
> > DF<-data.frame(growth=growth, sugar=sugar)
> Error in data.frame(growth = growth, sugar = sugar) :
> arguments imply differing number of rows: 20, 3
Sorry, I forgot 20 here
sugar<-sample(letters[1:3],20 ,replace=T)
After that correction it shall work
If not, something is wrong with your installation, if yes something is
wrong with your data or working environment.
> I checked with ls and I have no other sugar or growth in my environment.
I > think I will just try to reinstall R. I tried debug (bxp) and got
> > bxp(sugar~growth, data=Dataset)
> debugging in: bxp(sugar ~ growth, data = Dataset)
> debug: {
> pars <- c(list(...), pars)
> pars <- pars[unique(names(pars))]
> bplt <- function(x, wid, stats, out, conf, notch, xlog, i) {
> ok <- TRUE
> if (!any(is.na(stats))) {
> xP <- if (xlog)
> function(x, w) x * exp(w)
> else function(x, w) x + w
> wid <- wid/2
> if (notch) {
> ok <- stats[2L] <= conf[1L] && conf[2L] <=
> xx <- xP(x, wid * c(-1, 1, 1, notch.frac, 1,
> 1, -1, -1, -notch.frac, -1))
> yy <- c(stats[c(2, 2)], conf[1L], stats[3L],
> conf[2L], stats[c(4, 4)], conf[2L], stats[3L],
> conf[1L])
> }
> else {
> xx <- xP(x, wid * c(-1, 1, 1, -1))
> yy <- stats[c(2, 2, 4, 4)]
> }
> if (!notch)
> notch.frac <- 1
> wntch <- notch.frac * wid
> xypolygon(xx, yy, lty = "blank", col = boxfill[i])
> xysegments(xP(x, -wntch), stats[3L], xP(x, +wntch),
> stats[3L], lty = medlty[i], lwd = medlwd[i],
> col = medcol[i], lend = 1)
> xypoints(x, stats[3L], pch = medpch[i], cex = medcex[i],
> col = medcol[i], bg = medbg[i])
> xysegments(rep.int(x, 2), stats[c(1, 5)], rep.int(x,
> 2), stats[c(2, 4)], lty = whisklty[i], lwd =
whisklwd[i], > col = whiskcol[i])
> xysegments(rep.int(xP(x, -wid * staplewex[i]), 2),
> stats[c(1, 5)], rep.int(xP(x, +wid * staplewex[i]),
> 2), stats[c(1, 5)], lty = staplelty[i], lwd =
staplelwd[i], > col = staplecol[i])
> xypolygon(xx, yy, lty = boxlty[i], lwd = boxlwd[i],
> border = boxcol[i])
> if ((nout <- length(out))) {
> xysegments(rep(x - wid * outwex, nout), out,
> rep(x + wid * outwex, nout), out, lty = outlty[i],
> lwd = outlwd[i], col = outcol[i])
> xypoints(rep.int(x, nout), out, pch = outpch[i],
> lwd = outlwd[i], cex = outcex[i], col = outcol[i],
> bg = outbg[i])
> }
> if (any(inf <- !is.finite(out))) {
> warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(unique(out[inf])),
> "Outlier (%s) in boxplot %d is not drawn",
> "Outliers (%s) in boxplot %d are not drawn"),
> paste(unique(out[inf]), collapse = ", "), x),
> domain = NA)
> }
> }
> return(ok)
> }
> if (!is.list(z) || 0L == (n <- length(z$n)))
> stop("invalid first argument")
> if (is.null(at))
> at <- 1L:n
> else if (length(at) != n)
> stop("'at' must have same length as 'z$n',
i.e. ", n)
> if (is.null(z$out))
> z$out <- numeric()
> if (is.null(z$group) || !outline)
> z$group <- integer()
> if (is.null(pars$ylim))
> ylim <- range(z$stats[is.finite(z$stats)], if (outline) z$out
> [is.finite(z$out)],
> if (notch) z$conf[is.finite(z$conf)])
> else {
> ylim <- pars$ylim
> pars$ylim <- NULL
> }
> if (is.null(pars$xlim))
> xlim <- c(0.5, n + 0.5)
> else {
> xlim <- pars$xlim
> pars$xlim <- NULL
> }
> if (length(border) == 0L)
> border <- par("fg")
> if (!add) {
> plot.new()
> if (horizontal)
> plot.window(ylim = xlim, xlim = ylim, log = log,
> xaxs = pars$yaxs)
> else plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = log,
> yaxs = pars$yaxs)
> }
> xlog <- (par("ylog") && horizontal) ||
(par("xlog") && !horizontal)
> pcycle <- function(p, def1, def2 = NULL) rep(if (length(p)) p else
if > (length(def1)) def1 else def2,
> length.out = n)
> p <- function(sym) pars[[sym, exact = TRUE]]
> boxlty <- pcycle(pars$boxlty, p("lty"),
> boxlwd <- pcycle(pars$boxlwd, p("lwd"),
> boxcol <- pcycle(pars$boxcol, border)
> boxfill <- pcycle(pars$boxfill, par("bg"))
> boxwex <- pcycle(pars$boxwex, 0.8 * {
> if (n <= 1)
> 1
> else stats::quantile(diff(sort(if (xlog)
> log(at)
> else at)), 0.1)
> })
> medlty <- pcycle(pars$medlty, p("lty"),
> medlwd <- pcycle(pars$medlwd, 3 * p("lwd"), 3 *
> medpch <- pcycle(pars$medpch, NA_integer_)
> medcex <- pcycle(pars$medcex, p("cex"),
> medcol <- pcycle(pars$medcol, border)
> medbg <- pcycle(pars$medbg, p("bg"), par("bg"))
> whisklty <- pcycle(pars$whisklty, p("lty"),
> whisklwd <- pcycle(pars$whisklwd, p("lwd"),
> whiskcol <- pcycle(pars$whiskcol, border)
> staplelty <- pcycle(pars$staplelty, p("lty"),
> staplelwd <- pcycle(pars$staplelwd, p("lwd"),
> staplecol <- pcycle(pars$staplecol, border)
> staplewex <- pcycle(pars$staplewex, 0.5)
> outlty <- pcycle(pars$outlty, "blank")
> outlwd <- pcycle(pars$outlwd, p("lwd"),
> outpch <- pcycle(pars$outpch, p("pch"),
> outcex <- pcycle(pars$outcex, p("cex"),
> outcol <- pcycle(pars$outcol, border)
> outbg <- pcycle(pars$outbg, p("bg"), par("bg"))
> outwex <- pcycle(pars$outwex, 0.5)
> width <- if (!is.null(width)) {
> if (length(width) != n | any(is.na(width)) | any(width <=
> 0))
> stop("invalid boxplot widths")
> boxwex * width/max(width)
> }
> else if (varwidth)
> boxwex * sqrt(z$n/max(z$n))
> else if (n == 1)
> 0.5 * boxwex
> else rep.int(boxwex, n)
> if (horizontal) {
> xypoints <- function(x, y, ...) points(y, x, ...)
> xypolygon <- function(x, y, ...) polygon(y, x, ...)
> xysegments <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, ...) segments(y0,
> x0, y1, x1, ...)
> }
> else {
> xypoints <- points
> xypolygon <- polygon
> xysegments <- segments
> }
> ok <- TRUE
> for (i in 1L:n) ok <- ok & bplt(at[i], wid = width[i], stats =
z$stats[, > i], out = z$out[z$group == i], conf = z$conf[, i], notch =
notch, > xlog = xlog, i = i)
> if (!ok)
> warning("some notches went outside hinges ('box'):
maybe set
notch=FALSE")> axes <- is.null(pars$axes)
> if (!axes) {
> axes <- pars$axes
> pars$axes <- NULL
> }
> if (axes) {
> ax.pars <- pars[names(pars) %in% c("xaxt",
"yaxt", "xaxp",
> "yaxp", "las", "cex.axis",
"col.axis", "format")]
> if (is.null(show.names))
> show.names <- n > 1
> if (show.names)
> do.call("axis", c(list(side = 1 + horizontal, at =
> labels = z$names), ax.pars))
> do.call("Axis", c(list(x = z$stats, side = 2 -
> ax.pars))
> }
> do.call("title", pars[names(pars) %in% c("main",
> "col.main", "sub", "cex.sub",
"col.sub", "xlab", "ylab",
> "cex.lab", "col.lab")])
> if (frame.plot)
> box()
> invisible(at)
> }
> Browse[2]>
> debug: pars <- c(list(...), pars)
> Browse[2]>
> debug: pars <- pars[unique(names(pars))]
> Browse[2]>
> debug: bplt <- function(x, wid, stats, out, conf, notch, xlog, i) {
> ok <- TRUE
> if (!any(is.na(stats))) {
> xP <- if (xlog)
> function(x, w) x * exp(w)
> else function(x, w) x + w
> wid <- wid/2
> if (notch) {
> ok <- stats[2L] <= conf[1L] && conf[2L] <=
> xx <- xP(x, wid * c(-1, 1, 1, notch.frac, 1, 1, -1,
> -1, -notch.frac, -1))
> yy <- c(stats[c(2, 2)], conf[1L], stats[3L], conf[2L],
> stats[c(4, 4)], conf[2L], stats[3L], conf[1L])
> }
> else {
> xx <- xP(x, wid * c(-1, 1, 1, -1))
> yy <- stats[c(2, 2, 4, 4)]
> }
> if (!notch)
> notch.frac <- 1
> wntch <- notch.frac * wid
> xypolygon(xx, yy, lty = "blank", col = boxfill[i])
> xysegments(xP(x, -wntch), stats[3L], xP(x, +wntch), stats[3L],
> lty = medlty[i], lwd = medlwd[i], col = medcol[i],
> lend = 1)
> xypoints(x, stats[3L], pch = medpch[i], cex = medcex[i],
> col = medcol[i], bg = medbg[i])
> xysegments(rep.int(x, 2), stats[c(1, 5)], rep.int(x,
> 2), stats[c(2, 4)], lty = whisklty[i], lwd = whisklwd[i],
> col = whiskcol[i])
> xysegments(rep.int(xP(x, -wid * staplewex[i]), 2), stats[c(1,
> 5)], rep.int(xP(x, +wid * staplewex[i]), 2), stats[c(1,
> 5)], lty = staplelty[i], lwd = staplelwd[i], col =
staplecol[i])> xypolygon(xx, yy, lty = boxlty[i], lwd = boxlwd[i], border =
boxcol[i])> if ((nout <- length(out))) {
> xysegments(rep(x - wid * outwex, nout), out, rep(x +
> wid * outwex, nout), out, lty = outlty[i], lwd =
outlwd[i], > col = outcol[i])
> xypoints(rep.int(x, nout), out, pch = outpch[i],
> lwd = outlwd[i], cex = outcex[i], col = outcol[i],
> bg = outbg[i])
> }
> if (any(inf <- !is.finite(out))) {
> warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(unique(out[inf])),
> "Outlier (%s) in boxplot %d is not drawn",
(%s) in > boxplot %d are not drawn"),
> paste(unique(out[inf]), collapse = ", "), x),
> domain = NA)
> }
> }
> return(ok)
> }
> Browse[2]>
> debug: if (!is.list(z) || 0L == (n <- length(z$n))) stop("invalid
argument")> Browse[2]>
> debug: stop("invalid first argument")
> Browse[2]>
> Error in bxp(sugar ~ growth, data = Dataset) : invalid first argument
> Thanks a lot,
> Pauline