If you have C:\Rtools\bin on your PATH note that it contains a
UNIX-like find utility that conflicts with the find utility in
Windows. If that is the problem then remove that from your PATH and
then run the batch file.
The batchfiles distribution at http://batchfiles.googlecode.com has
utilities (Rgui.bat, R.bat, Rtools.bat, etc.) that will automatically
add C:\Rtools\bin to your path temporarily or only while R is running
so that you can leave it off your PATH.
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 6:51 PM, John Schexnayder <jschex at us.ibm.com>
wrote:> This is sort of a strange bug. ?Not show stopping, but annoying. ?I was
> wondering if anyone else has noticed this and reported it before I submit
> a bug report.
> I noticed while running the RGui and attempting to debug one of my scripts
> that I encountered a Windows error informing me that "Find String
> Utility has encountered a problem and needs to close." ?It is being
> generated by a call to a DOS batch file which contains a call to Find.exe.
> ?It can be reproduced by simply typing
?"System("find")" in RGui. ?What I
> found strange is that I have been running this script daily without this
> problem for months. ?I now realize I never ran that portion of the script
> while in RGui.exe. ?It has always run in batch mode which is done by
> Rterm.exe.
> I have tried this on three separate machines now all running Windows XP
> SP3, with versions of R 2.8.1 and R 2.10.1 ?If executing
> under RGui, an error window for the Find String Utility is generated and
> the command is not exectuted. ?If the same command is issued in Rterm the
> expected "FIND: Parameter format not correct" message is properly
> returned.
> It doesn't seem an important bug, but it could be the canary in the
> for a larger problem somewhere down the road.
> Re,
> John Schexnayder
> IBM Tape Manufacturing - Information Technology
> San Jose, CA ?95138
> JSchex at us.ibm.com
> ? ? ? ?[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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