Please keep r-help copied on the reply -- hopefully someone will pick
up this thread and help us out.
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 2:17 AM, saurav pathak <pathak.saurav at
gmail.com> wrote:> Dear Ista
> Thanks for answering, the previous question was a primer to what I wanted,
> did just what you said with "yearctry " below as the country code
or group
> variable, ie yearctry (data grouped by yearctry) was the variable I was
> using to pass as the country id.
I suggested using country as the grouping variable. what is
yearcty?>From the name it sounds like a composite of year and country.
Kindly notice that after running the lmer> model, it recognises yearctry as the group, but shows no of groups :Groups:
> yearctry,1, this means it did not recognise yearctry as the variable by
> which the data is grouped. The number should be 239 and not 1
That's weird. What does
> But please see below:
> My data set is e
>> names(e)
> ?[1] "yearctry"???? "discent"?????
"age"????????? "gender"
> "gemeduc"????? "gemhhinc"???? "ref_group"???
"fearfail_ref" "knowent_ref"
> "nbgoodc_ref"
> [11] "nbstatus_ref" "estbbuso_ref"
"lngdp"??????? "lngdpsq"
> "es_gdppcppp"? "sq_gdppcppp"? "estbbo_m"????
> hear I have variables representing two levels, namely individual level and
> country level. My data is thus a 2 level data. the country level variables
> (level-2) are "lngdp"??????? "lngdpsq"?????
"es_gdppcppp"? "sq_gdppcppp"
> "estbbo_m"???? "es_gdpchg" grouped by
"yearctry" and the rest of the
> variables are individual level (level-1).
> the? number of Individual observations are 655078 and number of yearctry ie
> groups =239, however when I?model a probit to see the influence of 4
> individual level var (ie age gender gemeduc and gemhhinc) and one country
> level var (es_gdppcppp) using
>> prb1<-lmer(discent~age+gender+gemeduc+gemhhinc+es_gdppcppp+(1 |
>> yearctry),family=binomial(link="probit"),data=e)
> I get
> Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation
> Formula: discent ~ age + gender + gemeduc + gemhhinc + es_gdppcppp + (1
> |????? yearctry)
> ?? Data: e
> ??? AIC??? BIC logLik deviance
> ?194043 194122 -97014?? 194029
> Random effects:
> ?Groups?? Name??????? Variance?? Std.Dev.
> ?yearctry (Intercept) 4.0708e-06 0.0020176
> Number of obs: 655078, groups: yearctry, 1
> Fixed effects:
> ????????????? Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
> (Intercept) -7.578e-01? 1.839e-02? -41.20? < 2e-16 ***
> age???????? -2.441e-03? 2.990e-04?? -8.16 3.30e-16 ***
> gender????? -2.886e-01? 7.710e-03? -37.43? < 2e-16 ***
> gemeduc????? 9.244e-05? 6.930e-06?? 13.34? < 2e-16 ***
> gemhhinc??? -8.938e-07? 1.359e-07?? -6.58 4.75e-11 ***
> es_gdppcppp -2.459e-05? 2.691e-07? -91.40? < 2e-16 ***
> ---
> Signif. codes:? 0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
> ??????????? (Intr) age??? gender gemedc gmhhnc
> age???????? -0.580
> gender????? -0.563 -0.138
> gemeduc???? -0.373? 0.166? 0.011
> gemhhinc??? -0.009 -0.132 -0.024 -0.201
> es_gdppcppp -0.490? 0.071? 0.314 -0.297? 0.256
> The model did not recognise group to be yearctry and shows 1 instead of
> can somebody help me as to how to make my model recognise es_gdppcppp as a
> country level variable grouped by yearctry (such that yeractry no of obs
> should be 239)
I think we need more information. How many levels does str(e) say
yearctry has? Also do you really have data from 239 countries, or is
yearctry a composite of year and country? If the later it might make
sense to split it out int separate year and country variables.
hope it helps,
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 5:00 AM, Ista Zahn <istazahn at gmail.com>
>> Hi Saurav,
>> I was waiting for someone else to answer you, because I'm not sure
>> I'll be able to explain clearly. But since no one is jumping on it,
>> I'll take a stab.
>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 5:52 PM, saurav pathak <pathak.saurav at
>> wrote:
>> > Dear R users
>> >
>> > I have a data set which has five variables. One depenedent
variable y,
>> > and 4
>> > Independent variables (education-level, householdincome,
countrygdp and
>> > countrygdpsquare). The first two are data corresponding to the
>> > individual
>> > and the next two coorespond to the country to which the individual
>> > belongs
>> > to. My data set does not make this distinction between individual
>> > and
>> > country level. Is there a way such that I can make R make
countrygdp and
>> > countrygdpsquare at a different level than the individual level
data. In
>> > other words I wish to transform my dataset such that it recognizes
>> > individual level variables to be at Level-1 and the other two
>> > level
>> > variables at Level-2.
>> >
>> If you're using lmer I don't think you need to do anything
special in
>> terms of data preparation. You will need an explicit country code I
>> think.
>> > I need to run a multilevel model, but first I must make my dataset
>> > recognise
>> > data at Level-1 and Level-2. How can I create this country level
>> > (gdp
>> > and gdp^2) such that I can perform a multilevel model as follows:
>> >
>> > lmer(y ~ education-level + householdincome + countrygdp +
>> > countrygdpsquare +
>> > (1 I Level2),family=binomial(link="probit),data=dataset)
>> I think you just need to specify country as the grouping variable:
>> ?lmer(y ~ education-level + householdincome + countrygdp +
>> countrygdpsquare + (1 I
>> country),family=binomial(link="probit),data=dataset)
>> >
>> > Please kindly help me with the relevant commands for creating this
>> > Level2
>> > (having two variables)
>> I hope this helps -- I thinks it's less complicated than you were
>> assuming.
>> -Ista
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> > Saurav
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Dr.Saurav Pathak
>> > PhD, Univ.of.Florida
>> > Mechanical Engineering
>> > Doctoral Student
>> > Innovation and Entrepreneurship
>> > Imperial College Business School
>> > s.pathak08 at imperial.ac.uk
>> > 0044-7795321121
>> >
>> > ? ? ? ?[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>> >
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>> >
>> --
>> Ista Zahn
>> Graduate student
>> University of Rochester
>> Department of Clinical and Social Psychology
>> http://yourpsyche.org
> --
> Dr.Saurav Pathak
> PhD, Univ.of.Florida
> Mechanical Engineering
> Doctoral Student
> Innovation and Entrepreneurship
> Imperial College Business School
> s.pathak08 at imperial.ac.uk
> 0044-7795321121
Ista Zahn
Graduate student
University of Rochester
Department of Clinical and Social Psychology