Dear R users
My data set is e
> names(e)
[1] "yearctry" "discent" "age"
"gemeduc" "gemhhinc" "ref_group"
"fearfail_ref" "knowent_ref"
[11] "nbstatus_ref" "estbbuso_ref" "lngdp"
"es_gdppcppp" "sq_gdppcppp" "estbbo_m"
hear I have variables representing two levels, namely individual level and
country level. My data is thus a 2 level data. the country level variables
(level-2) are "lngdp" "lngdpsq"
"es_gdppcppp" "sq_gdppcppp"
"estbbo_m" "es_gdpchg" grouped by "yearctry"
and the rest of the
variables are individual level (level-1).
the number of Individual observations are 655078 and number of yearctry ie
groups =239, however when I model a probit to see the influence of 4
individual level var (ie age gender gemeduc and gemhhinc) and one country
level var (es_gdppcppp) using
> prb1<-lmer(discent~age+gender+gemeduc+gemhhinc+es_gdppcppp+(1 |
I get
Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation
Formula: discent ~ age + gender + gemeduc + gemhhinc + es_gdppcppp + (1
| yearctry)
Data: e
AIC BIC logLik deviance
194043 194122 -97014 194029
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
yearctry (Intercept) 4.0708e-06 0.0020176
*Number of obs: 655078, groups: yearctry, 1*
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -7.578e-01 1.839e-02 -41.20 < 2e-16 ***
age -2.441e-03 2.990e-04 -8.16 3.30e-16 ***
gender -2.886e-01 7.710e-03 -37.43 < 2e-16 ***
gemeduc 9.244e-05 6.930e-06 13.34 < 2e-16 ***
gemhhinc -8.938e-07 1.359e-07 -6.58 4.75e-11 ***
es_gdppcppp -2.459e-05 2.691e-07 -91.40 < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) age gender gemedc gmhhnc
age -0.580
gender -0.563 -0.138
gemeduc -0.373 0.166 0.011
gemhhinc -0.009 -0.132 -0.024 -0.201
es_gdppcppp -0.490 0.071 0.314 -0.297 0.256
*The model did not recognise group to be yearctry and shows 1 instead of
239,* can somebody help me as to how to make my model recognise es_gdppcppp
as a country level variable grouped by yearctry (such that yeractry no of
obs should be 239)
Please help
Thanks in advance
Dr.Saurav Pathak
PhD, Univ.of.Florida
Mechanical Engineering
Doctoral Student
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Imperial College Business School
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