search for: yearctry

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "yearctry".

2009 Jul 16
...65 countries over a period of 9 years (2000-2008). Each country has on an average say 2000 interviews, so that the total set has roughly 65*9*2000 data points/observations (of course there are missing vales as well). Now let me explain how are the data clustered or grouped. I use the variable "yearctry" which is computed as year*10000+ international phone code of the country, say for example USA with calling code 001 for the year 2000 will have a yearctry value = 2000001. Under this particular value of yearctry of 2000001 there are roughly 2000 observations, next for the same year for say UK...
2009 Oct 18
How to create MULTILEVELS in a dataset??
Dear R users I have a data set which has five variables. One depenedent variable y, and 4 Independent variables (education-level, householdincome, countrygdp and countrygdpsquare). The first two are data corresponding to the individual and the next two coorespond to the country to which the individual belongs to. My data set does not make this distinction between individual level and country
2009 Oct 17
how to cluster data for use with lmer
Dear R users My data set is e > names(e) [1] "yearctry" "discent" "age" "gender" "gemeduc" "gemhhinc" "ref_group" "fearfail_ref" "knowent_ref" "nbgoodc_ref" [11] "nbstatus_ref" "estbbuso_ref" "lngdp"...
2009 Jul 10
GLM for Probit for Panel Data
Hello I am working on a panel data, my panel variable is the variable "yearctry", let me explain what I mean, yearctry is calculated based on the year and the ISD phone code of a country, eg, for the year 2000 say and for country USA say (code = 001), my yearctry variable will then be 2000001, there are 2000 observations (ie 2000 individual responses with yearctry = 20000...
2009 Jul 15
Hi I am working on a panel data, my data are clustered/grouped by the variable "yearctry", I am running the regression below, but I cant make the regression recognise "yearctry" as the panel variable in the regression myProbit<- glm(s ~ age + gender + gemedu + gemhinc + es_gdppc + imf_pop + estbbo_m, family = binomial(link = "probit"), data = adpopdata)...
2009 Jul 12
ERROR message while using <-invMillsRatio()
...job" "suyr5job" "omnowjob" "omyr5job" "gemwork3" [21] "suboanw" "babybuso" "estbbuso" "suboan_m" "babybo_m" [26] "estbbo_m" "es_gdppc" "ief_fisc" "yearctry" "ief_ipr" [31] "wb_law" "wb_corr" "imf_pop" "imf_pgro" "es_gdpch" [36] "sq_gdppc" "ln_oy5" "gemedu" "gemhinc" "ipr_edu" [41] "ipr_hinc" "ag...