Hi, Michael,
Seems like all you need is aggregate and rbind:
x <- aggregate(saw.aggr.data["value"],
"filteredID", "metric")],
x$bucketID <- "combined"
y <- rbind(saw.aggr.data, x)
Is this what you need?
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 6:09 AM, Michael Pearmain <mpearmain at
google.com> wrote:> Hi All,
> I have a questions about associative list mappings in R, and if they are
> possible?
> I have data in the form show below, and want to make a new 'bucket'
> called combined. Which is the sum of the control and the exposed metric
> values
> This combined variable is a many to many matching as values only appear in
> the file if they have a value > 0.
> conversion.type ? filteredID ? ? ? ?bucketID ? ? ?Metric ? ? ? Value
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?control ? ? ? ? ? a ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?control ? ? ? ? ? b ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?control ? ? ? ? ? c ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?control ? ? ? ? ? d ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?exposed ? ? ? ? a ? ? ? ? ? ? 4
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?exposed ? ? ? ? e ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
> At the minute i read the data into my file and and then create all the
> 'missing' row values
> (in this case,
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?control ? ? ? ? ? ? e ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?exposed ? ? ? ? ? b ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?exposed ? ? ? ? ? c ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?exposed ? ? ? ? ? d ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0)
> and then run ?a sort on the data, and count the number of times control
> appears, and then use this as an index matcher.
> saw.aggr.data <- [order(saw.aggr.data$bucketID, saw.aggr.data$metric), ]
> no.of.metrics <- length(saw.aggr.data$bucketID[grep("control",
> saw.aggr.data$bucketID)])
> for (i in (1:no.of.metrics)) {
> ?assign(paste("combined", as.character(saw.aggr.data$metric[i])),
> (saw.aggr.data$value[i] + saw.aggr.data$value[i + no.of.metrics]))
> }
> This does what i want it to but is very very weak and could be open to
> errors, ( error handling currently via grepping the names of the metric[i]
> == name of metric [i + no.of.metrics])
> Is there a more powerful way of doing this using some kind of list mapping?
> I've looked at the older threads in this area and it looks like
> that should be possible but i can't figure out how to do this?
> Ideally i'd like a final dataset ?/ list that is of the following form.
> conversion.type ? filteredID ? ? ? ?bucketID ? ? ?Metric ? ? ? Value
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?control ? ? ? ? ? a ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?control ? ? ? ? ? b ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?control ? ? ? ? ? c ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?control ? ? ? ? ? d ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?exposed ? ? ? ? a ? ? ? ? ? ? 4
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?exposed ? ? ? ? e ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?combined ? ? ? ?a ? ? ? ? ? ? 5
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?combined ? ? ? ?b ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?combined ? ? ? ?c ? ? ? ? ? ? 2
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?combined ? ? ? ?d ? ? ? ? ? ? 3
> ? ?counter ? ? ? ? ? ?true ? ? ? ? ? ? ?combined ? ? ? ?e ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
> So i dont have to create the dummy variables.
> does this make sense?
> Many thanks in advance
> Mike
> --
> Michael Pearmain
> "I abhor averages. ?I like the individual case. ?A man may have six
> one day and none the next, making an average of three meals per day, but
> that is not a good way to live. ?~Louis D. Brandeis"
> f you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it
> anyone else (it may contain confidential or privileged information), please
> erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the
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