I have what I *think* should be a simple problem in R, and hope someone might be able to help me. I'm working with cancer survival data, and would like to calculate adjusted survival figures based on the age of the patient and the tumour classification. A friendly statistician told me I should use Cox proportional hazards to do this, and I've made some progress with using the coxph function. However, there doesn't seem to be a simple way to get adjusted survival figures, and I'm still a bit unsure whether I'm using the function correctly. I've found plenty of examples of how to plot survival curves for a single catagorical variable, like tumour stage. However, its a bit less obvious how to properly combine multiple variables (like stage and grade) - examples I've found aren't very helpful. For instance, can someone explain what these two function calls are doing differently? cox.model1 <- coxph(Surv(time,outcome)~stage+grade,method="breslow") cox.model2 <- coxph(Surv(time,outcome)~stage+grade +stage:grade,method="breslow") Also, am I right to think that this is how I would plot the survival curves for stage in a 50 year old patient? cox.model3 <- coxph(Surv(time,outcome)~stage+I (age-50),method="breslow") plot(survfit(cox.model3,newdata=data.frame(stage2=c ("III","IV"),age=c(50,50)))) Finally, assuming I manage to correctly call the coxph function in the first place (!), what is the sensible way to adjust the survival for each patient? My understanding of what I'm trying/hoping to do has led me down the following dark alley; 1) pick a sensible centre point (median age, modal stage/grade) as my 'standard' case 2) obtain the survival probabilities for this 'standard' case from the Cox model 3) for each patient find the probability of their observed survival, for their specific age/stage/grade 4) the adjusted survival is the survival time from the 'standard' case that matches the observed survival probability This seems long-winded, and for all I know might be completely the wrong way to do it..... hopefully someone will be able to offer some friendly advice! Apologies for the long-ish post, and thanks in advance for any help. Chris Jones. ----------------------- Gynaecological Cancer Research Laboratories, UCL EGA Institute for Women's Health, University College London, Paul O'Gorman Building, 72 Huntley Street, London WC1E 6DD United Kingdom Telephone; 020 3108 2007 Fax; 020 3108 2010 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]