Hello R-help My recent post on this topic has now been reworked and added to the R-wiki. http://wiki.r-project.org/rwiki/doku.php?id=tips:graphics-misc:display-images I am more than happy to take comments (on or off-line) and enter any relevant changes. Regarding the proposed R documentation list, I think this could be a good idea and probably a better place for this kind of traffic. Finally, as a recent convert from Matlab (and not only because the process of obtaining approval for proprietary software could be time consuming, slow, and uncertain), I am very impressed by the language and would like to extend my thanks to all concerned. Robbie --- Robbie Morrison PhD student -- policy-oriented energy system simulation Technical University of Berlin (TU-Berlin), Germany University email (redirected) : morrison at iet.tu-berlin.de Webmail (preferred) : robbie at actrix.co.nz [from IMAP client]