nobody has your data and so your code is irreproducible. Here are only few
augdata <<- as.data.frame(cbind(utime.atimes, utime.aperc))
data.frame(utime.atimes, utime.aperc) is enough. cbinding is rather
dangerous as it produce matrix and it has to have only one type of values.
I am a little bit puzzled by your example.
data.frame(u.days, proc.prof)
u.days proc.prof
1 1 0.625
2 2 0.250
3 3 0.125
OTOH you speak about normalization by max value
data.frame(u.days, proc.prof)
u.days proc.prof
1 1 1.0
2 2 0.4
3 3 0.2
Some suggestion which comes to my mind is to
1. Transfer time.stamp to POSIX class
2. Split your data according to users
mylist <- split(data, users)
3. transform your data by lapply(mylist, desired transformation)
4. perform aggregation by days for each part of the list
5. reprocess list to data frame
Maybe some functions from plyr or doBy library could help you.
r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 07.06.2009 23:55:00:
> I have data that looks like this
> time_stamp (seconds) user_id
> The data is (partial) ordered by time - in that sometimes transactions
occur > at the same timestamp. The output I want is collated by transaction time
on a > per user basis, normalized by the maximum number of transactions per
user, and> aggregated over each day. So, if the users have 50 transactions in the
first > day and 20 transactions on the second day, and 10 transactions on the
third > day, the output would be as follows, if each transaction represents
0.01% of > each user's total profile. (In reality, they all have different profile
> lengths so a transaction represents a different percentage for each
> time_since_first_transaction (days) percent_of_profile
> 1 0.50
> 2 0.20
> 3 0.10
> I have the following code that computes the right answer, but it is
really > inefficient, so I'm sure that I'm doing something wrong. Really
inefficient > means > 30 minutes for an 100 k item data frame on a 2.2 GHz machine,
and my > 1-million data set has never finished. I'm no stranger to functional
> programming (Lisp programmer) but I can't figure out a way to subtract
the > first timestamp for user A from all of the other timestamps for user A
without> either (a) building a separate table of "first entries for each
which I> do here, or (b) re-computing the initial entry for each user with every
row, > which is what I did before and is even more inefficient. Another killer
> operation seems to be the aggregate step on the last line, which I use
to > collate the data by days. It seems very slow, but I don't know any
way > to do this. I realize that I am living proof that one can program in C
no > matter what language one uses - so I would appreciate any enlightenment
on offer. If !> there's no better way, I'll pre-process everything in Perl, but
rather > learn the "R" way to do things like this. Thanks.
> # Build table of times
> utime.times <<- utime.data["TIME"] %/% period;
> utime.tstart <<- vector("numeric",
length=max(utime.data["USER"]));> for (i in 1:nrow(utime.data))
> {
> if (as.numeric(utime.data[i,
"USER_COUNT"])==1)> {
> day <- utime.times[i,
"TIME"];> user <- utime.data[i,
"USER"];> utime.tstart[user]
day;> }
> }
> # Build table of maximum profile sizes
> utime.userMax <<-
> utime.data["USER"],
> max);
> utime.atimes <<- vector("numeric",
length=nrow(utime.data));> utime.aperc <<- vector("numeric",
length=nrow(utime.data));> augdata <<- as.data.frame(cbind(utime.atimes,
utime.aperc));> names(augdata) <<- c("TIME",
> for (i in 1:nrow(utime.data))
> {
> # adjust time according to user start
time> augdata[i, "TIME"] <<-
utime.times[i,"TIME"] -
> utime.tstart[utime.data[i,"USER"]];
> # look up maximum user count
> umax <- subset(utime.userMax,
> USER==as.numeric(utime.data[i, "USER"]))["USER_COUNT"];
> augdata[i, "PERC"] <<-
> }
> utime.rcount <<- aggregate(augdata,
sum);> ....
> Robin Burke
> Associate Professor
> School of Computer Science, Telecommunications, and
> Information Systems
> DePaul University
> (currently on leave at University College Dublin)
> josquin.cti.depaul.edu/~rburke
> "The universe is made of stories, not of atoms" - Muriel Rukeyser
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