Displaying 20 results from an estimated 38 matches for "tstart".
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2002 Jun 07
filter data frames
I'm looking for an easy way to filter data frames.
Some rows in my data frame needs to be left out,
for instance, rows with invalid data.
Right now, if I want to pair two columns of this data frame,
I have to do this:
> pairs(as.data.frame(list(tstart=df$tstart[valid],tend=df$tend.sdr[valid])))
or this:
> pairs(cbind(df$tstart,df$tend)[valid,],labels=c("tstart","tend"))
where 'valid' is a logical vector of valid rows.
Is there a way to filter a data frame without making a vector of
the columns, thus losing the...
2018 May 29
Difficulty in writing R code for one pool dynamic model
...ecimal)? In theanswer sheet provide the value of pool could be (23.8, 24.8, 25.0 or 24.7). Thevalue I got does not correspond to any of the choices given above. ?I don't know where I got it wrong.?
Below is the Ro code I tried to estimate thepool size of A at time 30.
#Step 1: Specify time?
Tstart <- 1
Tstop <- 30
Tstep <- 1
#Step 2: Set variables corresponding to pools
A <- inA
t <- Tstart
#Step 3: Set up rate parameters
kinA <- 5
koutA <- 0.2
#Step 4: Write arrays that track pool size overtime
val <- array(1, dim=c(1, length(seq(Tstar...
2010 Jun 21
Question about wine qcap v4l's MediaSampleTime
in wine/dlls/qcap/v4l.c:
--> OutputPin_GetDeliveryBuffer((OutputPin *)capBox->pOut, &pSample, NULL, NULL, 0);
--> IMediaSample_SetTime(*ppSample, tStart, tStop);
in wine/dlls/quartz/memallocator.c:
StdMediaSample2_GetTime(IMediaSample2 * iface, REFERENCE_TIME * pStart, REFERENCE_TIME * pEnd)
--> if tstart/stop is NULL, leave pStart/pEnd not setted.
in wine/dlls/quartz/videorenderer.c:
VideoRenderer_Sample(LPVOID iface, IMediaSample * pSample)...
2009 Mar 10
simple question beginner
Hi there,
I am beginner in R and I have some basic question. Suppose I run a common procedure such as a t test or cox model like below:
out<-coxph( Surv(tstart,tstop, death1) ~ x1+x1:log(tstop+1) , test1,method=c("breslow"))
Which yields the following result:
coxph(formula = Surv(tstart, tstop, death1) ~ x1 + x1:log(tstop +
1), data = test1, method = c("breslow"))
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
2018 May 08
Fitting problem for Cox model with Strata as interaction term
...atus 1 2
0 6764 5537
1 1643 1468
> xtabs(~status+tgroup+SEX, data)
, , SEX = 1
status 1 2 3
0 3035 2403 1326
1 759 458 426
, , SEX = 2
status 1 2 3
0 2596 1940 1001
1 701 476 291
> fit1 <- coxph(Surv(tstart, time, status) ~ *SEX:strata(tgroup)*,
Warning message:
In coxph(Surv(tstart, time, status) ~ SEX:strata(tgroup), data = data) :
X matrix deemed to be singular; variable 2 4 6
> fit1
coxph(formula = Surv(tstart, time, status) ~ SEX:strata(tgroup),
data = data)...
2004 Feb 18
[PATCH] fix tftp verbose mesage
...the way, why don't you use timersub() or something like it?
--- tftp-hpa-0.36.org/tftp/tftp.c 2004-01-09 05:47:00.000000000 +0900
+++ tftp-hpa-0.36/tftp/tftp.c 2004-02-18 22:17:27.000000000 +0900
@@ -422,8 +422,8 @@
double delta;
- delta = (tstop.tv_sec+(tstop.tv_usec/100000.0)) -
- (tstart.tv_sec+(tstart.tv_usec/100000.0));
+ delta = (tstop.tv_sec+(tstop.tv_usec/1000000.0)) -
+ (tstart.tv_sec+(tstart.tv_usec/1000000.0));
if (verbose) {
printf("%s %lu bytes in %.1f seconds", direction, amount, delta);
printf(" [%.0f bit/s]", (amount*8.)/delta);
2009 Jun 07
Must be a better way to collate sequenced data
...enlightenment on offer. If there's no better way, I'll pre-process everything in Perl, but I'd rather learn the "R" way to do things like this. Thanks.
# Build table of times
utime.times <<- utime.data["TIME"] %/% period;
utime.tstart <<- vector("numeric", length=max(utime.data["USER"]));
for (i in 1:nrow(utime.data))
if (as.numeric(utime.data[i, "USER_COUNT"])==1)
2013 Jun 27
Read a text file into R with .Call()
I want to read a text file into R with .Call().
So I define some NEW_CHARACTER() to store the chracters read and use SET_STRING_ELT to fill the elements.
char *foo; // This foo holds the string I want.
while(foo = readLine(FN)){
SET_STRING_ELT(qNames, i, mkChar(foo)));
In this way, I can get the desired character from qNames. The only problem
2009 Sep 21
cox memory
Hi there,
I have a rather large data set and perform the following cox model:
test1 <- list(tstart,tstop,death1,chemo1,radio1,horm1)
out1<-coxph( Surv(tstart,tstop, death1) ~ chemo1+chemo1:log(tstop+1)+horm1+horm1:log(tstop+1)+age1+grade1+grade1:log(tstop+1)+positive1+positive1:log(tstop+1)+size1+size1:log(tstop+1), test1)
Up to here everything works fine (with each covariate having a...
2010 Aug 09
recurrent events
The exposure variable ("ESHKOL") is the socio-economic of the neighborhood
while adjusting for additional variables such as age, sex, etc. In addition
each patient has geo- statics -code for his neighborhood ("stat_unit").
I ran an Andersen Gill model:
Ag<-coxph(Surv(TStart,TStop,Status)~ ESHKOL+VAR1+
My questions are:
· I would like to check the unique effect of the "stat_unit"
variable. How can I write it in code?
· In your opinion does the AG model is the best model for this type
of data? Or should I use mod...
2010 Jul 22
cdrommon issue
...s that all
vms becames very slow.
I killed the process and now everything is fine but I can''t live migrate
I found this problem also in this citrix thread:
My XCP version is still 0.1.1
Any solution?
Francesco Gallo
Xen-users mailing list
2010 Nov 01
Post-processing of approximated irregular time series
Hi all,
Issue: I merged two zoo objects (a regular and an irregular). After the merge I used the function 'na.approx' to have also values in the resolution of the regular time series.
Problem: After approximation some rows at the beginning or at the end of the zoo objects disappear due to the 'na.approx' algorithm. Now I just want to have all the rows of the regular time series
2010 Aug 19
memory problem
...eference memory at
0x#######, the memory cannot be "read".
and then i have to close R.
what is the problem and how can i solve it?
thanks in advance
my code
# frailtypack
cgd.ag <- read.csv("C:/rfiles/RE/cgd.csv")
cgd.nfm <-frailtyPenal(Surv(TStart, TStop,
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/memory-problem-tp2330510p2330510.html
2010 Nov 13
using if statment and loops to create data layout of recurrent events
...r each of the four potential MI recurrences. In addition to values of Trt,
and Sex for the patient, each observation contains the following variables:
ID, patient?s identification (which is the sequence number of the subject)
Visit, visit number (with value k for the kth potential MI recurrence)
TStart, time of the (k?1)th recurrence for Visit=k, or the entry time 0 if
VISIT=1, or the follow-up time if the (k?1)th recurrence does not occur
TStop, time of the kth recurrence if Visit=k or follow-up time if the kth
recurrence does not occur
Status, event status of TStop (1=recurrence and 0=censo...
2018 Feb 16
Competing risks - calibration curve
df.w<-crprep("time","cause", data=df, trans=c(1,2), cens=0, id="nid", keep=c("x", "x.1"))
mod<-cph(Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status==1)~rcs(x,3)+x.1,data=df.w, weight=weight.cens, subset=failcode==1, x=T, y=T, surv=T, time.inc = 2.5) mod2<-cph(Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status==1)~(x.1+rcs(x,3))^2,data=df.w, weight=weight.cens, subset=failcode==1, x=T, y=T, surv=T, time.inc = 2.5)
########################## To dev...
2016 Oct 28
iPhone/iPad IMAP connection bursts causes user+IP exceeded
...:32:54 server dovecot: imap(user): Logged out ...
[... repeated 11 times ...]
These bursts of logins/max/logouts would cycling on for a few minutes.
Googling this problem seems to turn up lots of similar complaints about
iOS mail mail clients. e.g.
iOS mail readers do not limit connections limit as other mailreaders
can. I could increase mail_max_userip_connections, but that just moves
the goal posts.
Using the new rawlog feature in 2.2.26 (thanks Dovecot team!), I was able
to see that these connection bursts are caused by clients doing...
2009 Mar 30
[LLVMdev] GSoC 2009: Extending LLVM IR to aid multi-core code generation
Why do you need to hack on a processor backend for such purpose? Aren't
> your OS primitives sufficient?
Yes they are, but I also want to exploit any specific instructions from the
multi-thread processors for creating and distributing threads. For examples,
XCore ISA has an instruction TSTART to start and a group of instructions
starting with TINIT for initialising different aspects of thread states. It
would then be interesting to compare how would that generated code handle
load balancing compared to work-stealing algorithm and if they can work
-------------- next pa...
2013 Oct 09
I can't comment on frailtypack issues, but would like to mention that coxme will handle
nested models, contrary to the statement below that "frailtypack is perhaps the only ....
for nested survival data".
To reprise the original post's model
cgd.nfm <- coxme(Surv(Tstart, Tstop, Status) ~ Treatment + (1 | Center/ID), data=cgd.ag)
And a note to the poster-- you should reprise the original message to which you are
Terry Therneau
On 10/09/2013 05:00 AM, r-help-request at r-project.org wrote:
> Hello,
> I am encountering very similar proble...
2007 Mar 28
Rmpi and OpenMPI ?
Has anybody tried to use Rmpi with the OpenMPI library instead of LAM/MPI?
LAM appears to be somewhat hardcoded in the Rmpi setup. Before I start to
experiment with changing this, has anybody else tried Rmpi with non-LAM MPI
Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.
-- Thomas A. Edison
2024 Feb 07
Difficult debug
...ad already allowed me to find a few other (mostly dumb)
> errors that led
> to an out of bounds access, e.g., the wrong endpoint variable in a for( )
> loop. What
> would others advise as a next step?
> Here is the last part of the screen
> > fit2 <- coxph(list(Surv(tstart, tstop, bstat) ~ 1,
> + c(1:4):5 ~ age / common + shared), id= id,
> istate=bili4,
> + data=pbc2, ties='breslow', x=TRUE)
> > surv2 <- survfit(fit2, newdata=list(age=50), p0=c(.4, .3, .2, .1, 0))
> > test2 <- mysurv(fit2, pbc2$bi...