Dear R folks While preparing figures of 'envfit' plots with vegan for publication, I ran into a layout problem, that I found no solution for in the literature or the help archive: The labels of the vectors that indicate correlations of environental variables sometimes overlap with each other or with other content of the figure. Hence, I would like to rearrange them. Is there a possibility to specify where the vector labels are plotted or, alternatively, is it possible to plot vectors only, so that the labels can be placed with 'text' later? Thank you for any hints on how to overcome this layout problem. Cheers Jan Thiele -- --------------------------------------------- Jan Thiele WWU M?nster Institut f?r Landschafts?kologie Angewandte Landschafts?kologie / ?kologische Planung Robert-Koch-Str. 28 48149 M?nster Tel.: +49(0)251 83-30113 E-mail: Jan.Thiele at