On Apr 23, 2009, at 12:18 PM, Gagan Pabla wrote:
> Hello,
> I am have trying to load data in R by connecting R to the database the
> following way:
>> library(RODBC)
>> channel<-odbcConnect("gagan")
> now after I connect to the server by putting pwd. I want to load
> table from
> the database named "temp" in to R so that I can do some
> statistics with it.
> now when I try to do "data(temp)" it gives error saying "In
> data(temp) :
> data set 'temp' not found".
> So, how do I load the table to R.
> Your help will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Gagan
Once you have established the connection to the Oracle server, you
then need to perform a query against the database to get the data into
R. So something like the following:
temp <- sqlQuery(channel, "select * from temp")
Now you will have a data frame in R called temp.
See ?sqlQuery after loading RODBC.
BTW, there is a r-sig-db list. More info here:
Marc Schwartz