similar to: Load a data from oracle database to R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Load a data from oracle database to R"

2007 Jul 17
[R-sig-DB] RODBC on Oracle DB
essai <- odbcConnect("ORESTE_prod", uid="osis_r", pwd="12miss15" ,case="oracle") > sqlTables(essai)$ORESTE ... 1315 <NA> ORESTE S_PROFESSIONS_OLD TABLE <NA> 1316 <NA> ORESTE S_PROVENANCES TABLE <NA> 1317 <NA> ORESTE
2008 Jul 28
RODBC to query an Oracle table
Hello all, I am having trouble running a count function in R using RODBC to query a table I created in Oracle. It may very well be that my SQL coding is incorrect; I just started learning it. But if someone could point me in the right direction or tell me if I am going about this the correct way that would be greatly appreciated! The script I have right now is: >require(RODBC)
2006 Jun 09
sqlSave() and rownames=TRUE makes my Rgui crash
Hello, I created a table in MySQL with this command CREATE TABLE example (pk INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,PRIMARY KEY(pk), id VARCHAR(30),col1 VARCHAR(30),col2 VARCHAR(30)) ### In R, I can connect to this table: library(DBI) library(RODBC) chan <- odbcConnect("MySQL51", uid="root", pwd="xxx") first <- sqlQuery(chan, "select * from example")
2009 Oct 23
connecting to Oracle
Hi, useR- I am connecting to Oracle database using RODBC, but keep getting this error message: > library(RODBC) > channel <- odbcConnect(dsn="abc", uid="abc", pwd="abc", case='oracle') Warning in odbcDriverConnect(st, ...) : [RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default
2008 Sep 11
database table merging tips with R
I have not devoted time to setting up ROracle since binaries are not available and it seems to require some effort to compile (see On the other hand, RODBC worked more or less magically once I set up the data sources. What is your success using ROracle and why would it be preferable to RODBC ? -Avram On Thursday, September 11,
2010 Feb 25
different types graphs
>library(RODBC) >ch<- odbcConnect("durga") > sqlQuery(ch, paste("SELECT * from emp")) >sqlQuery(ch, ("SELECT * from xyz")) store revenue year_y 1 bigbazar 787875 2008 2 more 87876 2008 plot(revenue ~ year_y, data=xyz, pch=16) can i get any diffrent types of graphs like pie charts, bar
2005 Feb 07
RODBC working in Rgui but not Rterm
Hello Users: I'm using R version 2.0.1, and having problems with RODBC. Everything works fine when I use Rgui, but when I try to use Rterm and issue the commands library(RODBC) con <- odbcConnect("MySQL", "test") I get the following error: Error in sqlQuery(con, str) : first argument is not an open RODBC channel In addition: Warning messages:
2003 Jul 09
RODBC and Oracle: error "table does not exist"
Dear r-helpers! I have trouble reading data from an Oracle data base using RODBC Version 1.0-3, R Version 1.7.1, Windows XP, Oracle8 ODBC Driver Version > library(RODBC) > channel <- odbcConnect(dsn="PAV32", case="oracle", believeNRows=FALSE) > # ok, this was succesful > x <- sqlTables(channel) > x[37, ] TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME
2013 Apr 22
RODBC --How do you set up the connection so pwd is blank but driver-specific data source dialog box pops up after
Hello, I want to leave pwd blank (to comply w/ company security protocol) and just be prompted by the driver-specific data source dialog box to enter the password after. But for some reason it is not working. R Version: "R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)" R Studio Version: 0.97.312 OS: Windows 7 library(RODBC) ##HERE IS THE CODE THAT DOES WORK ##my DSN, UID, PWD is entered something like
2012 Aug 24
2 (related) problems with RODBC in 64 bit Windows
Hi all, I am encountering an RODBC problem in R 2.15.1 in windows 64 bit which I do not encountered in the same set up in windows 32 bit (the latest binary version of RODBC in both cases from the same depository gotten by install.packages(‘RODBC’), Oracle ODBC client software installed in 64 and 32 bit respectively) 1. The code looks like library(RODBC) credentials <-
2006 Oct 05
Variables in RODBC environment
Hello Experts, how can I use variables in the RODBC environment. Example which does not work: Thanks for your help. Thorsten pn <- '39R5238'; library(RODBC); odbcobj <- odbcConnect("SQUIT21C",uid="muehge",pwd="xxx"); sql <- "select u.unitid, from test where part in ('pn') "; parameter <- sqlQuery(odbcobj,sql);
2009 Jan 26
R crashes when using the RODBC Package
Hi, I've written some code that fetches data from an Access Database (2003), processes the data, then saves the modified data back into a table in the Access database. It works if I only pass through the code once, but if I put a loop around the code so that I fetch data from a different source table, and then save it again to a different destination table, the code crashes. It is
2009 Aug 20
problems with RODBC, sqlQuery
Hello, Im trying to get a Oracle database to R, but I'm having problems with most of SQL sintax. Suppose that Im trying to bring a table "TABLE" with columns "COL1","COL2",.. from schema "SCHEMA". What am I doing wrong? library(RODBC) channel<-odbcConnect("xxx",uid="xxx",pwd="xxx") sqlQuery(channel, "select * from
2009 Dec 19
Run time error when executing sqlQuery using the 64-bit version of R with 64-bit RODBC package in a Solaris 10 Sparc machine.
I have compiled and linked a 64 bit version of R (R 2.9.2) and the corresponding unix ODBC 64 bit package The red highlighted text below is the error I'm getting trying to when invoking a sqlQuery > library(RODBC) > channel <- odbcConnect("OraLSH", <user>, <password>) > sqlQuery(channel,"select sysdate from dual") Error in .Call(C_RODBCFetchRows,
2003 Apr 01
RODBC, freetds, and MS SQL Server
I have a question for RODBC users out there. I have used the package with good results for some time. However, I have just switched from an OpenLink proprietary driver for MS SQL to the FreeTDS driver (I think it is MS SQL Server 2000 I'm connecting to if it matters). I was/am running them from unixODBC on a Linux Client. I think I have it set up fine since I can use "isql"
2010 Oct 01
trouble with RODBC -- chopping off part of column names
Hello all, I have a strange / interesting problem that might be 'R' settings themselves, or it might be something with the OS. I am using the RODBC library. I have a script that goes out and, before making a query for a big data set, will first query for the column names of the data set. The column names could sometimes be quite long (e.g., "Time Background Estimation
2002 May 10
RODBC for importing dbf
Hi I know that it is very easy to import data from a dbf file to R, by saving the data as csv, for instance. However, I have several hundreds of files to do that. So, I thought of using RODBC to read the dbf files and save it as data.frame. However, I cannot even start (this is my first time using such package): > library(RODBC) > bdades <- odbcConnect("prova.DBF") Warning
2007 Jul 06
RODBC problem
Hello, I use a RODBC connection to a MySQL server on a Debian machine. The call to odbcConnect() seems to be ok, but the result of the first sqlFetch(channel,"t_studie") retrieves this data frame: [1] "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect" [2] "42000 1064 [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.0.22-Debian_1bpo1-log]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
2012 Aug 02
Joining R Local Dataset with Table from Database
Hi All, I want to join a table (Dataset) that is created in R with a table that is in oracle database. Can some one help me in accomplishing this task in R? Example Code: library(RODBC) DB_CONNECT <- odbcConnect("DSN_NAME") TABLE_JOIN <- sqlQuery(DB_CONNECT, "SELECT * FROM DB_TABLE WHERE COL_1 NOT IN (SELECT COL_1 FROM DATA_SET_R) ") Regards, Madana -- View this
2001 May 14
RODBC: closing databases
Dear all, platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch x86 os Win32 system x86, Win32 status major 1 minor 2.3 year 2001 month 04 day 26 language R I wrote the following to import tables in different database formats (Access, Visual FoxPro, etc.): getTable <-