On Mon, 20 Apr 2009, Bryan Lim wrote:
> I've been working with a rather large data set (~10M rows), and while
> works beautifully for generating coefficients, it does not report an
>r-squared. It does report RSS. Any idea on how one could coax an R-squared
>of biglm?
Hmm. I don't ever use r-squared, so I didn't implement it. I'll add
the null model RSS to the output for the next verson
The obvious work-around is to fit a model with only an intercept, and divide the
RSS for the two models, but that takes twice as long.
The necessary information is all in the QR decomposition, the problem is just
getting it out. A Horrible Hack is to use the leaps package and do
to get the null model RSS.
Thomas Lumley Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu University of Washington, Seattle