Peter H Singleton
2009-Apr-15 16:02 UTC
[R] False convergence error with lmer (package lme4) - What does it mean?
Hello, I've run 7 candidate models using mixed-effects logistic regression with the lmer function from the lme4 package, and I'm getting the following error for 5 of those models: Warning message: In mer_finalize(ans : false convergence (8). The candidate models all run with the same data, just slightly different formulas (for AIC model selection). Can anyone explain this error to me? This is the command line syntax I'm using: ful1 <- lmer(<dependent variable> ~ <formula> + (1 | <effect>), data = cv, family="binomial", na.action = na.omit) The random intercept effect has 14 groups. Is there anything I can do to address this error? <<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->> Peter Singleton E-mail: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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