Fucikova, Eva
2008-Oct-12 08:54 UTC
[R] false convergence (8) after removal of the two-way interaction
Dear All, I am working with a generalized linear mixed-effects model with poisson error using the lme4 package in R. I created a model with the lmer function including some main effects, three two way interactions and two random effects. The model works well, but I have troubles when removing on of the two-way interactions. The Warning message: "In mer_finalize(ans) : false convergence (8)" appears. I looked for advice on this error message in the R-help, but could not find the answer as to why this happens. Both variables in the interaction are are continuous with a normal distribution. The model looks like following model: year=factor(year) nk=factor(nk) rnr=factor(rnr) VAR1-5 are normally distributed continuous variables model1<-lmer(recruit~(year:VAR1)+year+VAR1+VAR2+VAR3+VAR4+ VAR5+(1|nk)+(1|rnr),family=poisson) Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation recruit ~ (year:VAR1) + year + VAR1+ VAR2 + VAR3 + VAR4 + VAR5 + (1 | nk) + (1 | rnr) AIC BIC logLik deviance 306.9 394.8 -132.5 264.9 Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. rnr (Intercept) 0.00000 0.00000 nk (Intercept) 0.46014 0.67834 Number of obs: 486, groups: rnr, 341; nk, 125 Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -1.513e-01 1.356e+00 -0.1116 0.91112 VAR2 -1.440e-02 6.429e-02 -0.2241 0.82271 VAR3 3.130e-04 1.413e-03 0.2215 0.82469 year1 -2.671e-01 5.719e-01 -0.4670 0.64050 year2 4.888e-01 4.792e-01 1.0199 0.30780 year3 -2.720e+00 1.169e+00 -2.3260 0.02002 * year4 1.287e+00 4.211e-01 3.0569 0.00224 ** year5 -1.180e-01 4.195e-01 -0.2812 0.77855 year6 7.367e-01 4.249e-01 1.7340 0.08292 . VAR1 -2.083e-02 4.826e-02 -0.4317 0.66596 VAR4 4.022e-03 3.500e-03 1.1491 0.25050 VAR5 -5.274e-02 2.622e-02 -2.0114 0.04428 * year1:VAR1 -1.504e-01 1.193e-01 -1.2609 0.20735 year2:VAR1 5.708e-02 6.833e-02 0.8353 0.40354 year3:VAR1 -6.112e-01 2.824e-01 -2.1645 0.03043 * year4:VAR1 2.737e-03 6.777e-02 0.0404 0.96778 year5:VAR1 4.702e-02 8.663e-02 0.5428 0.58729 year6:VAR1 8.853e-02 7.870e-02 1.1249 0.26062 Model2<-lmer(recruit~year+VAR1+VAR2+VAR3+VAR4+VAR5+(1|nk)+(1|rnr),family=poisson) After removal of the interaction the false convergence appears. Could anybody give me advice on how to solve this problem, please? Thank you in advance, Eva Fucikova [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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