I am apologize in advance if there is a more appropriate R mailing
list for this announcement but this list seems to be the most relevant.
I am a Topical Interest Group (TIG) leader for the Quantitative
Methods: Theory and Design TIG of The American Evaluation Association.
Each year, our TIG reviews proposals related to our focus area and
then puts together a great program for the annual conference to be
held this year November 11-14 in sunny Orlando, Florida.
I am writing to invite you to submit a proposal for the AEA
Conference, and in particular to our TIG. We welcome proposals for a
range of session types from papers and posters to demonstrations and
panels. Our TIG’s content area focuses on quantitative issues and
methods in evaluation and we welcome proposals that explore practice,
theory, examples, and research in this area. A colleague and I are
hoping to present a 6 hour workshop on introductory and advanced
topics in R that are relevant to evaluators. The conference itself
examines the breadth and depth of the field, with over 600 sessions
and 2500 attendees, there truly is something for everyone working in
almost any aspect of applied social science.
More about the conference, as well as the online proposal submission
process, may be found online at
Proposals are due by midnight in the Eastern time zone, on Friday,
March 20, 2009.
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