similar to: AEA 2009 Conference

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "AEA 2009 Conference"

2003 Dec 30
Re: +AFs-Asterisk-Users+AF0- RE: +AFs-Asterisk-Users+AF0- Multi-line, multi-registration phones
Here is an example of a couple of macros that help me where I have a SOHO with a home phone line and a work phone line. If I pick up line 2 my work line I would prefer the call I make to go out my office phone line same with if I pick up line 1 my home phone line I would prefer it go out my home line but want it to roll if needed. So with this little macro it is possible for that to happen.
2003 Dec 30
RE: +AFs-Asterisk-Users+AF0- Multi-line, multi-registration phones
Okay, so like this? PHONE1+AD0-SIP/2000 PHONE2+AD0-SIP/3000 PHONE3+AD0-SIP/4000 ALL+AD0AJAB7-PHONE1+AH0AJgAkAHs-PHONE2+AH0AJgAkAHs-PHONE3+AH0- Then you would have Exten +AD0APg- s,1,Dial(+ACQAew-ALL+AH0-,20) Is that right? I have read about the Macros but don't understand their use. Could someone provide an example? Sorry about the newby questions... This will hopefully be my
2004 Feb 18
secuirty bug with /etc/login.access
/etc/login.access does not work 100% over ssh. I have the following line in login.access -:ray:ALL EXCEPT LOCAL Which I believe means the user 'ray' can not login from anywhere unless it is a local login. So, I tested it over ssh from a remote box tigger@piglet:~% ssh Password: Password: Password:'s password: Last login: Sat
2010 Jul 22
Multilevel survival model
* Please cc me if you reply as I am a digest subscriber * Hi, I am wondering how I can run a multilevel survival model in R? Below is some of my data. > head(bi0.test) childid famid lifedxm sex age delta 1 22.02 22 CONTROL MALES 21.36893 0 2 13.02 13 MAJOR MALES 21.18001 0 3 64.02 64 CONTROL MALES 20.09377 0 4 5.02 5 CONTROL FEMALES
2012 Jul 17
Finding the column with the maximum value by row
Hi, Let's say I have the following data: > a=matrix(c(1,2,4,4,2,1,1,2,4),nrow=3,byrow=T) > a [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 2 4 [2,] 4 2 1 [3,] 1 2 4 What syntax should I use to get R to tell me the column that corresponds to the maximum value for each row? For my example, I would like to get a vector that says 3, 1, 3 because the maximum value for row 1 is
2010 Apr 23
Zoomable chart
Hi, I would like to create an interactive bubble chart from a Rails- based database. I''ve spent quite a lot of time browsing the posts both here and on rubyforums for similar queries, but haven''t really found a definitive answer yet. I would like each point to be clickable, and would like users to be able to zoom and navigate within the chart. We would prefer not to use Flash for
2006 Sep 22
inequality with NA
Dear everybody! take a<-c(5,3,NA,6). if(a[1]!=NA){b<-7} if(a[3]!=5){b<-7} if(a[3]!=NA){b<-7} if(a[3]==NA){b<-7} will alltogeather return Fehler in if (a[1] != NA) { : Fehlender Wert, wo TRUE/FALSE n?tig ist (or simularly). Somehow this is logical. But how else should I get out, whether a certain vector-component has an existing value? Thank you in advance! Yours, Mag. Ferri
2010 Jul 23
Survival analysis MLE gives NA or enormous standard errors
Hi, I am trying to fit the following model: sr.reg.s4.nore <- survreg(Surv(age_sym4,sym4), as.factor(lifedxm), data=bip.surv) Where age_sym4 is the age that a subject develops clinical thought problems; sym4 is whether they develop clinical thoughts problems (0 or 1); and lifedxm is mother's diagnosis: BIPOLAR, MAJOR DEPRESSION, or CONTROL. I am interested in whether or not
2012 Apr 09
For loops
Hi, I am having trouble with syntax for a for loop. Here is what I am trying to do. class=c(rep(1,3),rep(2,3),rep(3,3)) out1=rnorm(length(class)) out2=rnorm(length(class)) out3=rnorm(length(class)) data=data.frame(class,out1,out2,out3) dat.split=split(data,data$class) for(i in 1:3){ sub[i]=dat.split[i] } However, the for loop doesn't work. I want to assign each split to a different
2009 Mar 12
Unable to run smoother in qplot() or ggplot() - complains about knots
I get the following error when I run qplot() qplot(grade, read,data = hhm.long.m, geom = c("point", "smooth")) Error in, data, knots) : x has insufficient unique values to support 10 knots: reduce k. I am not sure how to tackle this problem. When I take a subsample (< 1000) than I am able to run that function but with my sample
2019 Jul 31
Thank you for reply. And in wich folder put tig PEM file V V sre., 31. jul. 2019 ob 16:04 je oseba unosonic <un at> napisala: > Ervin Bizjak: > > Hello! > > > > Where do I find tutorial how to install and setup ssl and which > certificate > > is for icecast? > > > > hi, don't know if there's info esp.on SSL, > > I've
2007 Jan 17
sp: proj4string has no impact
Hi all, I'm faced with a problem applying the sp package: The projection argument in readShapePoly(Shapefile,proj4string="CRS class argument") e.g.: CRS("+proj=aea +lat_1=46 +lat_2=73 +lat_0=60 +lon_0=84 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=clrk66 +units=m +no_defs") doesn't have any impact on the plotted object. I also tested the simple example: xy = cbind(x = 2 * runif(100) -
2011 Mar 30
Quick recode of -999 to NA in R
Hi, I am trying to write a loop to recode my data from -999 to NA in R. What's the most efficient way to do this? Below is what I'm presently doing, which is inefficient. Thanks, Chris dat0 <- read.table("time1.dat") colnames(dat0) <- c("e1dq", "e1arcp", "e1dev", "s1prcp", "s1nrcp", "s1ints",
2012 Nov 05
Error message in nmkb()
Hallo together, I am trying to use the nmkb() optimizer and I have problems using the function, as it causes the following error message Fehler (error)* in while (nf < maxfeval & restarts < restarts.max & dist > ftol & : Fehlender Wert (missing value)* , wo (where)* TRUE/FALSE n?tig ist (is required)* *translation Do I need to adjust the control ?
2006 May 16
survival package - pspline
help Hello, I?m a statistic student in Austria and I have to do a survival analysis in R by using psplines as regressor. My problem is that I sometimes (I think it depends on the choose of the parameters) get a error message, but I do not know what it means. After that I tried the procedure with an example dataset R is providing. Although using the cancer dataset I also get this message. Input:
2010 Oct 03
Modifying a data.frame
Hello list members I have a problem with modifying a data.frame. As an example given is a data.frame called ex : ex<-data.frame(id=c(1,2,3,4,5,6),obs=c(14,9,20,36,55,47),eff=c("A","A","B","C","C","C")) After that I would like to modify the object ex with the following short script: for (i in ex) { if(ex[i,3]=="A"||
2005 Sep 02
Error has me stumped (Agile Web Dev with Rails book)
Hello everyone, I''m a complete Rails newbie who is currently working my way through the Agile Web Dev with Rails book. I''ve reached the chapter on creating the shopping cart (chapter 8). I keep having a problem with the same error which I can''t get past, however what''s more confusing is that it''s being generated even when I swap all my app code out
2011 Oct 11
[LLVMdev] ARM Qualification
I think we need to think along two dimensions - Breadth of testing and depth of testing 1. Breadth: What the best supported ARM ISA versions in LLVM ARM? Say its armv6 and armv7; We need to - regression test ARM mode, Thumb-2 and Thumb-1 mode (armv6) - Performance/code-size test ARM mode, Thumb-2 and Thumb-1 modes We need to agree on an optimization level for regression as well as
2012 Oct 20
can't find the error in if function... maybe i'm blind?
Hi everybody, the following alway gives me the error "Fehler in if (File$X.Frame.Number[a] + 1 == File$X.Frame.Number[a + 1]) (File$FishNr[a] <- File$FishNr[a - : Fehlender Wert, wo TRUE/FALSE n?tig ist". Maybe its stupid, but i'm not getting why... Maybe someone can help me. Thanks a lot! for (i in unique(BigFile$TrackAll)) { File <-
2010 Feb 01
playwith error message
Hi, I'am using the playwith library to write my own small GUI application. But I get the following error under Windows and Linux (Ubuntu): Error in if ((modeOK %in% c("Identify", "Brush")) && (actions$ident == : Fehlender Wert, wo TRUE/FALSE n?tig ist Under linux my R program simply continues, but under Windows it stops. Since it is not in my code, has anyone