2009-Jan-11 08:03 UTC
[R] PAW Update: Predictive analytics workshops and more case studies
Hi everyone, Predictive Analytics World's program for Feb 18-19 in San Francisco (predictiveanalyticsworld.com) has grown a bit since my post several weeks ago, and is looking better than ever. The conference covers today's commercial deployment of predictive analytics, across industries and across software vendors. In a nutshell, PAW is a warehouse of case studies. In breaking news, the Netflix Prize leader slated to speak at PAW has now won the Netflix Progress Prize (see predictiveanalyticsworld.com/agenda.php#advancedapproaches) We have two predictive analytics workshops that serve as a third-day option on Feb 20 to complement the core conference program: "The Best and the Worst of Predictive Analytics: Predictive Modeling Methods and Common Data Mining Mistakes" Instructor: John F. Elder, Ph.D., CEO and Founder, Elder Research, Inc. predictiveanalyticsworld.com/predictive_modeling_methods.php "Taking Action with Analytics: The Decision-Centric Enterprise - Putting Predictive Analytics to Work Improving Every Business Decision" Instructor: James Taylor, Co-Founder, Smart (enough) Systems predictiveanalyticsworld.com/decision_centric_enterprise.php And the list of case studies has expanded - we now have case studies from all of: 3M, Acxiom, Affiliated Computer Services, Charles Schwab, Click Forensics, Google, Linden Lab (Second Life), The National Rifle Association, Pinnacol Assurance, Reed Elsevier, San Diego Supercomputer Center, Sun, Telenor, Wells Fargo Credit Card Services, Wells Fargo Internet Services Group -- plus special examples from Anheuser-Busch, Disney, Hewlett-Packard, HSBC, IRS, Pfizer, Social Security Administration and WestWind Foundation. For more info about the program, see: predictiveanalyticsworld.com Be sure to register by January 18th for the Early Bird rate - save $200 at: predictiveanalyticsworld.com/register.php If you'd like our informative event updates, sign up at: predictiveanalyticsworld.com/notifications.php For a summary of business applications of predictive analytics - and a named case study for each - see the article, "Predictive Analytics Delivers Value Across Business Applications" at predictiveanalyticsworld.com/businessapplications.php What is predictive analytics? See the Predictive Analytics Guide: predictiveanalyticsworld.com/predictive_analytics.php Take the Predictive Analytics World survey (on applications) As predictive analytics quickly expands across verticals and applications, we need your help to understand what the evolving landscape looks like. Please take a few minutes, answer a handful of questions, and help us keep you informed: surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=8dHx_2bFz7yxw3FPKlbi3OVg_3d_3d Available for immediate download: Free Industry Survey (on tools) Download the Rexer Analytics 2008 Data Miner Survey report, covering the most popular software tools, which verticals have embraced modeling and more, at: predictiveanalyticsworld.com/survey-signup.php And finally, let us know if you have any questions. Best, Elise Johnson Predictive Analytics World -- View this message in context: nabble.com/PAW-Update:-Predictive-analytics-workshops-and-more-case-studies-tp21396909p21396909.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Possibly Parallel Threads
- Announcing: Predictive Analytics World, Feb 18-19 in San Francisco
- Cross-validation -> lift curve
- Predictive Analytics event Oct 24-25 (DC) and Nov 6-7 (SF)
- Predictive Analytics with R, PMML and ADAPA
- Predictive Analytics for Business, Marketing and Web (May 8-9 and June 5-6)