Dear Frieda,
I'm afraid that it's not possible to tell from the information that
you've given what the source of the problem is. What version of Rcmdr
are you using? Have you written an Rcmdr plug-in package for
BiodiversityR? Where in your code is this error produced? Etc.
My guess is that there's a version conflict, since the current version
of the Rcmdr package on CRAN (1.4-6) doesn't use the variable
operatorFont, which was previously employed to render the various
operator buttons (+, *, etc.) used in the formula fields of
statistical-modeling dialogs. (Now the standard font is used on the
buttons.) This variable was (and is) used nowhere else in the Rcmdr
package. The error was probably produced by the command
getRcmdr("operatorFont"); why that should be in your code, I can't
Although I don't know the specific source of the error, I recommend
that you start by updating R, the Rcmdr package, and all other packages
to their current versions. Your plug-in should call the current
versions of Rcmdr utility functions, such as modelFormula().
I hope this helps,
On Sun, 4 Jan 2009 07:59:27 -0800 (PST)
Frieda <friederike.grueninger at>
> Dear all,
> I run R 2.7.2 under Windows and integrated BiodiversityR sucessfully
> into
> the R commander. Most functions of BiodiversityR run but others (like
> "analysis of species as response") produce blank windows and the
> message:
> Error in get(x, envir = RcmdrEnv(), mode = mode, inherits = FALSE) :
> Variable "operatorFont" nicht gefunden
> What's wrong?
> Best regards, Frieda
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John Fox, Professor
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada