My apology to the list, as it turns out the moment after I hit the send
button, I found that the first element in the list was a null. The error
message reflects that.
> _____________________________________________
> From: Barker, Chris
> Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 6:30
> To: ''
> Subject: simple list question
> I'd appreciate some tips, I'm making a simple mistake trying
> extract elements from a list of fit objects.
> The following command works, coef( cph.list[[1]] ) ,.... coef(
> cph.list[[3]] ) and so forth. These extract regression coefficients
> from the appropriate list element.
> When I try to run this inside a for loop, or an lapply
> (lapply(cph.list,coef)) I get this error message
> > for (ii in (1:22)){
> + cat(ii,fill=T)
> + print(coef( cph.list[[ii]] ))
> +
> + }
> 1
> Error in object$coefficients : $ operator is invalid for atomic
> vectors
> Suggestions appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Chris Barker, Ph.D.
> Statistical Consultant
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