Hi, I have been using the library languageR in R2.6.0 for some while. I now would like to use new functions of this library (especially plotLMER.fnc) and have downloaded R 2.8.0. Error messages appear when I load the languageR library (I have tried several times on different computers but this doesn't help.: Attachement du package : 'Matrix' The following object(s) are masked from package:stats : xtabs The following object(s) are masked from package:base : colMeans, colSums, rcond, rowMeans, rowSums I guess this is the reason why I cannot use the lmer function with this version of R. I would be very grateful if anyone could help on this. Audrey Burki -- Assistante-Doctorante Laboratoire de Psycholinguistique Exp?rimentale FAPSE Universit? de Gen?ve 40, Bd Pont d'Arve 1201 Gen?ve (0041) 22 379 91 45 http://www.unige.ch/fapse/PSY/persons/frauenfelder/audrey/audrey.html
Audrey B?rki Foschini <audrey.buerki <at> pse.unige.ch> writes:> I now would like to use new functions of this library (especially > plotLMER.fnc) and have downloaded R 2.8.0. > > Error messages appear when I load the languageR library (I have tried > several times on different computers but this doesn't help.: > Attachement du package : 'Matrix'[snip]> > I guess this is the reason why I cannot use the lmer function with > this version of R. >These are warnings, not errors. Are you sure you are actually unable to use lmer, or are you just being scared off by the warning messages? Try typing sessionInfo() after you get the messages and see whether Matrix, lme4, and languageR are in your list of loaded packages. good luck Ben Bolker
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