similar to: R 2.8. and languageR

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches similar to: "R 2.8. and languageR"

2017 May 16
Wish for arima function: add a data argument and a formula-type for regressors
Hi, Using arima on data that are in a data frame, especially when adding xreg, would be much easier if the arima function contained 1) a "data=" argument 2) the possibility to include the covariate(s) in a formula style. Ideally the call could be something like > arima(symptome, order=c(1,0,0), xreg=~trait01*mesure0, data=anxiete) ( or arima(symptome~trait01*mesure0,
2013 Oct 17
pamer.fnc y la nueva versión de R
Hola buenas noches, tengo un problema bastante gordo. ¿A alguno le ha dejado de funcionar las funciones pamer.fnc y mcp.fnc con la nueva versión de R? La semana pasada formatee el ordenador y ahora scripts antiguos no funcionan. La cuestión es que me precupa que no funcione el ejemplo de tutorial del autor. Os dejo un script que debería de funcionar y no lo hace
2013 Jan 23
Mixed effects para factores y no para covariables. Guia y dudas
Hola buenas tras meses investigando como hacer anovas para factores con efectos fijos y efectos aleatorios, he encontrado una serie de funciones que satisfacen mis pretensiones y creo correctas en cierta medida. Me gustaría compartirlas con vosotros con doble intención, la primera es compartirla para que si otro se encuentra en esta situación que tenga el trabajo hecho y la segunda es que sean
2010 Mar 09
plotlmer graphics/x-axis and legend options
Hi, I am Using R.2.9.2 and I am trying to make nicer some graphics, which are constructed with plotmer.fnc. In particular, I have two questions: 1. Is is a way to decide in which order we want the labels on the x-axis. For now, the reference value label is the first one, and the other labels appear in the alphabetical order. I would like them to be sorted in the ascending way. Here is my
2007 Apr 18
R-2.4.1 for MacOS X - languageR, acepack, Hmisc
I updated R to the last 2.4.1 version and unfortunately I can not load languageR any longer. In R-2.4.1, LanguageR requires acepack, but Hmisc doesn't work when acepack is loaded. > library(languageR) Loading required package: Design Loading required package: Hmisc Loading required package: acepack Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : unable to load
2007 Jun 25
LanguageR pvals.fnc error message
Hi. I get an error message about not converging when I try and use the pvals.fnc from the languageR library. The LMER analysis worked fine (See below). I am not an expert so I don't understand why the LMER worked but not the pvals.fnc Any help gratefully received. - Mike AIC BIC logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance -7324 -7254 3673 -7451 -7346 Random effects: Groups
2008 Nov 26
Problem with aovlmer.fnc in languageR
Dear R list, I have a recurring problem with the languageR package, specifically the aovlmer.fnc function. When I try to run the following code (from R. H. Baayen's textbook): # Example 1: library(languageR) latinsquare.lmer <- lmer(RT ~ SOA + (1 | Word) + (1 | Subject), data = latinsquare) x <- pvals.fnc(latinsquare.lmer,
2008 Oct 01
pvals.fnc in lme4 and languageR
Hi everybody! I was using the function pvals.fnc from package 'languageR' until April. I do not know which version. Yesterday I updated all my packages and tried to run my loop again. Now I get the following error message: error in pvals.fnc(mm, nsim = 1000) : MCMC sampling is not yet implemented in lme4_0.999375-27 for models with random correlation parameters I guess it?s because of
2007 Jun 15
Problem with workspace loading after languageR use
Hello R, To analyze multi-level data, I started learning and using lmer. So far so wonderful. I then found some useful functions in package languageR. But then the following problem ocurred: Whenever I load and use the languageR package, then save the workspace - or quit R with saving the workspace - I am unable to reload that workspace in a later session. That is, R doesn't start at all
2007 May 11
incorrect MCMC CIs in pvals.fnc (languageR) ?
library(lme4) library(coda) library(languageR) fit = lmer(Reaction~Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject), data=sleepstudy) pvals.fnc(fit)$random # compare with... samp = mcmcsamp(fit, n=10000, trans=FALSE) HPDinterval(samp) densityplot(samp, plot=F) # 'pvals.fnc' reports sigma instead of sigma^2, but it looks like the # Sbjc.(In) and Sbjc.Days are also sqrt compared with the
2013 Dec 02
pamer.fnc y la nueva versión de R
Hace unos meses os escribir para comunicaros que había un fallo en esta función. Como os prometí os comento la respuesta por si alguno está interesado en utilizar el paquete LMERconvenientsfucntions Dear Javier, The package has been updated and should work for you fine now. Note that function mcp.fnc does not return the fourth plot (dffits) anymore. We still have to figure out a way to compute
2010 Apr 01
pvals.fnc() with language R does not work with R 2.10.1
Hi Everyone, I am using R 2.10.1. lmer function works properly, however pvals.fnc () does not despite the fact that I uploaded: - library(lme4) - library(coda) - library(languageR) This is the error message I get pvals.fnc(lexdec3.lmerE2, nsim=10000)$fixed Error in pvals.fnc(lexdec3.lmerE2, nsim = 10000) : MCMC sampling is not yet implemented in lme4_0.999375 for models with random
2007 Aug 21
pvals.fnc unhappy about lmer objects
Dear folks (or Dear Professor Bates), I'm quite confused as to the current status of some of the available functions applicable to lmer objects. Following the examples in Baayen, Davidson, Bates (2006), my plan is to run mcmcsamp on a random effect model created by lmer in package lme4, then use the (perhaps outdated) pvals to estimate p-value. But then I couldn't find pvals anywhere.
2008 Jun 13
overlaid transparent histograms
Hello all-- I'm attempting to produce overlaid histograms with partially transparent columns. Whether this display will end up being useful, I can't say. But I do want to get it right. I've already got one solution (shown below), but I tried some other versions and had questions about my results. (Note: I'm using a quartz device, so transparency shows up correctly. You might
2007 Nov 13
Default mohmp3 : free of rights ?
Hello Asterisk's Users ! Is anybody knows if the default MP3 tracks provided with the lastest release of asterisk is free of rights or not ? The default tracks are : - fpm-calm-river.mp3 - fpm-sunshine.mp3 - fpm-world-mix.mp3 Regards, -- S?bastien Mortier AbsysTech Tel : +33 892 460 991 Fax : +33 320 745 005 Gsm : +33 620 792 429 Assistante : Sarah Foucart sfoucart at
2012 Apr 29
CForest Error Logical Subscript Too Long
Hi, This is my code (my data is attached): library(languageR) library(rms) library(party) OLDDATA <- read.csv("/Users/Abigail/Documents/OldData250412.csv") OLDDATA$YD <- factor(OLDDATA$YD, label=c("Yes", "No"))? OLDDATA$ND <- factor(OLDDATA$ND, label=c("Yes", "No"))? attach(OLDDATA) defaults <- cbind(YD, ND) set.seed(47) data.controls
2013 May 06
Comparaciones multiples lmer
Hola, Lo primero muchas gracias a todos por vuesta habitual ayuda. Llevo meses con las funciones lmer, pero tengo un problema no se como plantear unas comparaciones multiples una vez demostrado que el factor tiene diferencias significativas. Tengo multiples opciones, Solución A: una es hacer un bonferroni a saco (pero eso me chirria ya que tego muchos datos) Solución B: Otra es utilizar glht,
2010 Feb 20
Hello All, I am learning mixed effects logistic regression (lmer in lme4), and I am having problems deciphering the goodness of fit function (languageR package). The only information I can find is that this function plots observed proportions against mean predicted probabilities for some binning of the data. I have explored this function with several datasets, and have had
2007 Apr 19
Package loading shows missing libraries in Mac OS X
I've been using R actively for only the past few months under Mac OS X, but have found a few situations where I cannot get a package to load. This seems like the same situation reported recently on the thread "R-2.4.1 for MacOS X - languageR, acepack, Hmisc": > > library(Hmisc) > Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : > unable to load shared
2009 Jan 15
Last working lme4?
This evening I ran into the problem Chuck Clifton referred to in message 86 of Volume 71 Issue 9 of this list. That is, objects created by lmer change after calling pvals.fnc on that lmer object when using lme4 version 0.999375-16 and 0.999375-28. This is somewhat troublesome. The bug tracker on R-Forge (