I updated my modified GNU Emacs for Windows release to the now current version 22.2 of Emacs. The distribution is available at http://vgoulet.act.ulaval.ca/en/emacs For those hearing about this distribution for the first time, here's a short description: ready-to-install version of GNU Emacs 22.2 for Windows (released March 26, 2008) with the following additions: * ESS 5.3.6; * AUCTeX 11.85; * Aspell 0.50.3; * English and French dictionaries for Aspell; * libraries for image formats XPM (xpm4.dll), PNG (libpng13.dll, zlib1.dll), JPEG (jpeg62.dll), TIFF (libtiff3.dll) and GIF (giflib4.dll); * w32-winprint.el, to ease printing under Windows; * htmlize.el, to print in color with w32-winprint.el; * site-start.el, a site wide configuration file to make everything work. The software installs with the Inno Setup wizard. Please report problems to me directly. --- Vincent Goulet, Associate Professor ?cole d'actuariat Universit? Laval, Qu?bec Vincent.Goulet at act.ulaval.ca http://vgoulet.act.ulaval.ca