I've rolled up R-2.6.2.tar.gz a short while ago. This is a maintenance release and fixes a number of mostly minor bugs. See the full list of changes below. You can get it (in a short while) from http://cran.r-project.org/src/base/R-2/R-2.6.2.tar.gz or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course. For the R Core Team Peter Dalgaard These are the md5sums for the freshly created files, in case you wish to check that they are uncorrupted: 070cca21d9f8a6af15f992edb47a24d5 AUTHORS eb723b61539feef013de476e68b5c50a COPYING a6f89e2100d9b6cdffcea4f398e37343 COPYING.LIB 91f7aee4dda919e6503c46c2c31f8c15 FAQ 22607d0bc2ea0832ce62544715ad7885 NEWS 1099cbf02c624ceb459d9bbc4d0d1448 R-2.6.2.tar.gz 020479f381d5f9038dcb18708997f5da RESOURCES 1ad28cbc84485ccdf4ce5721b34ed645 THANKS Here is the relevant bit of the NEWS file: CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.6.2 NEW FEATURES o colnames(DF) is now also fast for large dataframes DF with automatic row.names. Note that the correct usage is names(DF). (PR#10470) o tools::texi2dvi() works around the failure of 'texi2dvi --quiet' to be quiet in texinfo 4.11. o On Linux, parallel 32/64-bit installations are supported using multilib. BUG FIXES o A compilation problem on one system where glob was not found has been corrected. (PR#10468) o The "profile.nls" method of plot() was losing the x axis labels. o array() computed the total number of entries in the array before coercing the dimensions to integer. (Reported by Allen McIntosh.) o persp() misreported errors in the y parameter. (Reported by Allen McIntosh.) o source("clipboard", echo=TRUE) and file("clipboard", open="rt") gave spurious errors. (Reported by Fernando Saldanha.) o attributes<-() stripped any existing attributes before checking that all elements of the right-hand side had names. o rbinom(n, size, *) gave NaN when 'size > .Machine$integer.max'. o print.summary.lm() is now consistent in the capitalization of "R-squared". o confint() misreported on some rank-deficient lm() models. (PR#10496) This could also occur in the default method. o \code{\var{<name>}} was not rendered correctly to latex in Rd files for non-alphabetic arguments <name>. o In 2.6.1, curve(*, add=TRUE) used a wrong default 'xlim' when x coordinates were logged. o The Java-based search in help.start() now only requires a JVM >= 1.4 (2.6.1 accidentally required >= 1.5). o The default method for range() was omitting 'na.rm' for non-numeric objects such as those of class "Date". (PR#10508) o cut(x, breaks=<n>) misbehaved on a constant vector of negative values. o bxp(), the plotting engine of boxplot(), no longer plots staple ticks multiple times. (PR#10499) o The automatic detection of the domain for message translation was not working correctly for messages in message(), warning() and stop() in packages other than 'base'. o The profile.nls() function misbehaved when encountering non-convergence of the "port" algorithm. o Under certain rare circumstances in R 2.6.x, log(), round() and trunc() could alter their arguments in the caller. This involved passing of empty '...' arguments, and was spotted when using apply(x, 2, log). o par() no longer warns unnecessarily when asked to set new=FALSE on an unused graphics device. o plot.formula() was not passing on '...' when used with a one-sided formula. plot.formula() was not accepting expressions for annotations passed to title(). (PR#10525) o pchisq(x, df=0, ncp=L) now returns the correct limit exp(-L/2) for x=0 and is no longer returning NaN for x > 0, L < 80. (PR#10551) o Non-ASCII characters were only working correctly in Hershey fonts if these were specified by the 'vfont' argument to text() and not if specified as a font family. o There were several errors in Hershey$allowed, but the help page listed the allowed combinations correctly. o text() no longer attempts to use 'vfont' with an expression for 'labels' (it was documented not to work). o fisher.test(simulate.p.value = TRUE) gave incorrect answers in some extremely degenerate problems. (PR#10558) o src/extra/pcre has been updated to PCRE 7.5 (bugfix release). o capture.output() completes an incomplete final line of output when file = NULL. (PR#10534) o capture.output() now returns invisibly if output is written to a file/connection. o format.AsIs() did not remove the "AsIs" class and so could go into an infinite loop. o summary.mlm() lost the names of the coefficients when there was only one. o Rdconv was not marking examples files with an encoding if this was known from the package's DESCRIPTION file. o readChar() from a raw vector was reading a number of bytes, not characters. o slotNames() was erroneously treating classes that extend "character" as strings. o R no longer ignores SIGPIPE signals even in processes launched by system(). Instead PR#1959 is handled by a simple error handler which will give an error message in circumstances where none was given before. o The AIC() S4 generic in package stats4 no longer disables dispatch of S3 methods for AIC(). o The conflicts check in library() excluded all S4 generics, even where they were unrelated to the function masked. It is now more selective (although still too generous to S4 generics). o proc.time() was missing a protect and could misbehave if provoked by gctorture(). (PR#10600) o The cut() and hist() methods for dates and datetimes are now more accurate for intervals of "months" and "years", thanks to Marc Schwarz. o url()/download.file() could segfault if the HTTP interaction involved a redirect to an address starting with '/' on the same server. o Memory allocations used in format() and in an internal utility function could be off by one byte. (PR#10635) o isoreg(x, y) no longer segfaults when y has NAs. o split(x, g) always returns a list as documented. (It used to return NULL for a zero-length 'x'.) o tapply(x, g, ...) misbehaved if the args were of zero length. (PR#10644) o hist.POSIXt(*, xaxt = "n") no longer suppresses the y-axis. o strptime() crashed under certain locales on Mac OS X. o gregexpr() no longer segfaults when "" is given as the search pattern. Thanks to Herve Pages for the bug report. o matplot(x, *) with default 'pch' did not plot columns from column number 37 on (because the default pch was NA for those). (PR#10676) o print.htest() lost output when used within sink(file, split=TRUE). o Setting par(col.main=) also set par("col") to the same colour. o Anonymous fifos were broken (again). -- O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard ?ster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918 ~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907 _______________________________________________ R-announce at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-announce