After installation of the latest version of R (2.6.0) I have a problem with loading the nlme library. When I use RGui under Windows XP, and try to install the nlme package, I get a warning that installation was unsuccessful due to a previously installed version of nlme. But the nlme library does not appear on the list of libraries that are available for loading under RGui. This happens after a fresh install, and deletion of all R directories. Furthermore after this unsuccessful attempt to install nlme, RGui can not be used any more. When I try to restart it, it gives an error message about some problem with restoring things, mentions an .Rdat file, and quits. I next tried to use Rterm.exe (out of desperation), and it came up successfully. Also, in this terminal session I was able to install nlme by using the install.packages() command. And after going through these steps, RGui starts up again normally! I have tried this twice, starting from scratch, using R 2.6.0 and the patched version R 2.6.0pat. In both cases the same sequence of events takes place. So what prevents RGui from successfully installing nlme, while Rterm.exe has no such problem? By the way, I do not have such problems with other packages (e.g. bootstrap, gplots, etc.) that I installed under RGui, and which I can use after installation. I nearly suspect that this problem was already reported, but I have just now re-subscribed to this mailing list and could not find anything in the Newcastle R archives. Could somebody be kind enough to resend a solution, if this problem was already raised here in this forum (but not yet fixed in the Windows binaries...). thank you! Michael Jerosch-Herold The information transmitted in this electronic communica...{{dropped:11}}