This is a known problem with your compiler installation, discussed in the
R-admin manual. From the version in R-patched:
There are known problems with one of the compilers sets in this toolset
on Windows Vista: see the workaround below. (With that workaround it has
been used on both 32- and 64-bit versions of Vista.)
On Vista systems you will need to add
to the path.
This is not relevant to the recommended compiler set for R 2.6.0.
On Wed, 19 Sep 2007, Anand Patil wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to distribute an R package that compiles some (small) C
> every time it's sourced. The relevant code in the top level R script is
> follows:
> system("R CMD SHLIB Selma_extensions.c")
> if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows") {
> slash = '\\'
> dyn.load("Selma_extensions.dll")
> }
> if (.Platform$OS.type=="unix") {
> slash = '/'
> dyn.load("")
> }
Hmm, all the information you need is already in .Platform, $file.sep and
$dynlib.ext: the latter varies by OS.type.
> This works fine on a Mac, but I tried it under Windows Vista, after
> installing RTools and telling it to put itself on the system path, and got
> the following:
> making Selma_extensions.d from Selma_extensions.c
> gcc.exe: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or
> make: *** [Selma_extensions.d] Error 1
> Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
> unable to load shared library
> 'C:/Users/anand/Desktop/Selma/Selma_extensions.dll':
> LoadLibrary failure: The specified module could not be found.
> Can this be fixed without requiring the user to do anything?
The fix requires 'the user' to read the documentation.
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595