Hello, As suggested in "De'ath, 2002. Multivariate regression trees: A new technique for modelling species-environment relationships. Ecology, 83 (4):1105-1117" (for those interested), I am trying to compare the performance of a multivariate regression tree to a cluster analysis. A simple partitioning with k clusters (as done by `pam`) seemed straightforward and appropriate to compare to an MRT with k leaves. Now I am looking for a measure of how much variance each of these methods explains. The MRT analysis provides me with such a measure. I was wondering what I could use in a cluster analysis. When plotting the pam object with which.plots=clusplot, there is a message at the bottom of the plot: "These two components explain x% of the point variability". Can I safely assume that this is a percentage of variance explained by the k clusters? Is there anything else that I could compute? More generally, am I totally wrong in comparing these two methods? Are there some references particularly appropriate to this? (NB: I am already hunting down the Kaufman, L. and Rousseeuw book) Thank you in advance for your help. JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/