On 7/16/07, Arne Brutschy <abr-r-project at xylon.de>
wrote:> Hello,
> I'm having a problem renaming and sorting the underlying factor of a
> ggplot2 based plot. Here's my code:
> ---8<----------
> > delta <- ggplot(subset(data, Model==c("dyn",
"dl4", "dl3")), aes(x=Problemsize, y=Fitness)) +
> geom_smooth(size=1, color="black", fill=alpha("blue",
> geom_point(size=0.5, aes(colour=DeltaConfig))+
> scale_colour_gradient2(expression(bold(paste(Delta,"Config"))),
limits=c(0,10), midpoint=5,
> low="green", mid="yellow",
> > delta <- delta + facet_grid(Model ~ . , margins = TRUE)
> > delta
> ---8<----------
> and the data
> ---8<----------
> > data
> Model Problemsize Fitness DeltaConfig
> 1 dl1 3 81.5271 2.4495
> 2 dl1 3 83.1999 2.4495
> ...
> ---8<----------
> I want to select a subset of the possible models and display the
> resulting three plots in a column. This works fine, but: the displayed
> names and order is wrong. Instead of the models
> I want to change dl* to rm* and the order to
> I hope it's understandable what I want. I tried to use factor()
> function in a thousand combinations, but I don't seem to get it. Can
> someone help me?
Does this get you started?
x <- factor(c("a", "b", "c"))
factor(x, levels=c("c","b","a"),
labels=c("cc","bb", "aa"))