Peter Ruckdeschel
2007-Jul-30 11:35 UTC
[R] [R-pkgs] New versions for the distr-family of packages and of package startupmsg
We would like to announce the availability on CRAN (with possibly a minor delay until on every mirror) of new versions of our packages in the "distrXXX"-family (version 1.9), i.e.; "distr", "distrEx", "distrSim", "distrTEst", and "distrDoc" as well as of package for managing startup messages, "startupmsg" (0.5). [all of them require R >= 2.2.0] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************* Changes *********************************************** of "distr" (1.9), "distrEx" (1.9), "distrSim" (1.9), "distrTEst" (1.9), "distrDoc" (1.9) ***************************************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are major changes in "distr" and "distrEx" from this release on; the more important ones can be inspected at and the pages linked to on this page. Special thanks go to Spencer Graves for spotting some errors in 1.8 (which should be fixed by now) and to G.Jay Kerns for detecting some further bugs and providing code for exact kurtosis and skewness functionals. After package installation you may also have a look at NEWS("<pkg-name>") for each of the packages mentioned in this mail. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************* Changes *********************************************** of "startupmsg" (0.5) ***************************************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This may be interesting to those annoyed by our "chatty" startup messages ;-) -> From this version on, you may use suppressPackageStartupMessages() to suppress the startup-messages issued by our packages--- compare ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short Descriptions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************ "distr": "distr" is to provide a conceptual treatment of random variables (r.v.'s) by means of S4--classes. A virtual mother class "Distribution" is introduced. All distributions of the "stats" package are implemented as subclasses of either "AbscontDistribution" or "DiscreteDistribution". Using these classes, we also provide (default) methods to automatically generate the image distributions under unary mathematical operations as well as a general convolution algorithm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************ "distrSim": Classes and methods are provided for a standardized treatment of simulations (also under contaminations) . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************ "distrTEst": Classes and methods are provided for a standardized treatment of the evaluation of statistical procedures (up to now only estimators) at data/simulations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************ "distrEx": This package provides some extensions to package "distr" like: * extreme value distribution classes, * expectations +in the form E(X) for the expectation of X where X is some distribution or +in the form E(X,f) for the expectation of f(X) where X is some distribution and f some function in X, * further functionals: var, sd, IQR, mad, median, kurtosis, skewness * truncated moments * distances between distributions (Hellinger, Kolmogorov, total variation, "convex contamination") * conditional distributions in factorized form * conditional expectations in factorized form ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************ "distrDoc": "distrDoc" provides a common vignette to the distrXXX family ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************ "startupmsg": provides utilities for start-up messages for packages ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We look forward to receiving questions, comments and suggestions Peter Ruckdeschel Matthias Kohl Thomas Stabla Florian Camphausen _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
Apparently Analagous Threads
- New versions for the distr-family of packages, of startupmsg, and a new package "distrDoc"
- New versions for the distr-family of packages, of startupmsg, and a new package "distrDoc"
- New versions for the distr-family of packages and of package startupmsg
- New versions for the distr-family of packages, and a new package "startupmsg"
- New versions for the distr-family of packages, and a new package "startupmsg"