Great stuff, thanks. I'm copying this solution to R-help for reference.
On 6/24/07, deepayan.sarkar at <deepayan.sarkar at>
wrote:> On 6/23/07, Felix Andrews <felix at> wrote:
> > Hi Deepayan,
> >
> > I have a Lattice question: is there any way to plot just one
> > (specified) page of a multi-page display?
> Not in those terms exactly. However, it is possible to plot subsets of
> a trellis object, e.g.
> p <- xyplot(y ~ x | a)
> # dim(p) is nlevels(a)
> p[1:3]
> p[4:6]
> p <- xyplot(y ~ x | a + b)
> # dim(p) is c(nlevels(a), nlevels(b))
> p[1:2, 3:4]
> etc. See also ?packet.panel.default (and ?print.trellis), which I just
> realized can be used to do what you want:
> <- function(n)
> {
> ## returns a function that when used as the 'packet.panel'
> ## argument in print.trellis plots page number 'n' only
> function(layout, page, ...) {
> stopifnot(layout[3] == 1)
> packet.panel.default(layout = layout,
> page = page + n - 1,
> ...)
> }
> }
> data(mtcars)
> HP <- equal.count(mtcars$hp, 6)
> p <-
> xyplot(mpg ~ disp | HP * factor(cyl),
> mtcars, layout = c(0, 6, 1))
> print(p, packet.panel =
> print(p, packet.panel =
> In fact, I'm going to add this as an example in ?packet.panel.default
> -Deepayan
Felix Andrews / ???
PhD candidate, The Fenner School of Environment and Society
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