Package plotAndPlayGTK provides a graphical user interface for R
plots. Wrap it around your plot commands, like playwith(plot(mydata)).
A window pops up with a Cairo plot device and a toolbar with buttons
to interact with the plot. The default buttons allow you to add
persistent labels to data points, zoom in and out and around, save the
plot to a file, and so on. Furthermore, you can edit the plot call on
the fly. There are buttons to work with multiple panels and pages of a
Lattice plot. For multi-variate scatterplots ('splom' only) there is a
"brush" function, and for 3D plots ('wireframe' /
'cloud' only) there
is a simple zoom and rotate.
New buttons can also be defined; actually any GTK+ widget can be added
to the toolbar. An example is given of a numeric input widget to
choose a number of clusters to show.
Note: code to generate the plot will need to be wrapped up into a
single call with some standard arguments, and the interaction features
do not work well with multiple-plot layouts in traditional graphics.
As yet it does not work with grid-based plots other than Lattice (such
as ggplot2), but button handlers could be written. This package is
based on RGtk2, and so requires the GTK+ libraries.
v0.8.42 is on CRAN.
Felix Andrews / ???
PhD candidate
Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management Centre
The Fenner School of Environment and Society
The Australian National University (Building 48A), ACT 0200
Beijing Bag, Locked Bag 40, Kingston ACT 2604 at
3358 543D AAC6 22C2 D336 80D9 360B 72DD 3E4C F5D8
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