Thanks for the hint, Jay!
But somehow it seems like the included $probit object
is not of class glm and I
couldn't find an AIC property on it. I tried it your
way. Any other suggestions
regarding how I can evaluate the fit of the first-step
selection model included
in heckit()?
> From: "Jay Emerson" <jayemerson at>
> Subject: Re: [R] AIC for heckit
> To: r-help at
> Message-ID:
<d4588dec0612010525s6d788716of30a1066eb50f4c2 at>> Content-Type: text/plain
>> > I have used the heckit function in micEcon.
>> > ...
>> > How can I then get the AIC for this model?
> It appears that the heckit $probit object is of
class 'glm' and so, for> example:
> main.result <- heckit(whateveryouaredoing) #
Do your heckit()...> probit.result <- main.result$probit # The
glm object produced by> heckit()
> probit.aic <- probit.result$aic #
The AIC, see ?glm>
> should have what you need, ready to go. I used
these tedious names and> three lines of code just to be clear about what is
what (I wouldn't really> do it this way). !)
> Jay
> -- John W. Emerson (Jay) Assistant Professor of
Statistics Director of Graduate Studies Department of
Statistics Yale University