On 9/29/06, H. Paul Benton <hpbenton at scripps.edu>
wrote:> Hello,
> I hope this doesn't turn into a statistics question but
here I
> go. I am using the nls function with a Gaussian distribution, see coding
> below. When I run the nls I get an error back saying that I have a linear
> gradient. I then, of course am unable to do anything else. The data that I
> am using are intensity values from some mass spectrometry data. Is there
> something I can do to stop the linear gradient, and I dare to ask why am I
> getting a linear gradient. I apologies if I haven't supplied enough
> information or I have made some mistake in my coding. The coding below
> on some of the data but not all.
> Thank you for your time,
> Paul Benton
> brseq <- seq(-4.0, 4.0, by=0.1)
> AB<- A[,1]/A[,2]
> lgAB<-log(AB)
> freq_AB <-hist(lgAB, type="o", breaks=brseq, plot=F
> freq.tab <- as.data.frame(cbind(brseq, freq_AB$counts)
> class(fo <- (x ~ (A/(sig*sqrt(2*pi)))* exp(-1*((bin-mu)^2/(2* sig^2)))))
> nls.AB <- nls(fo,data=freq.tab, start= list(A=0.1*len, mu=0.01,
> trace=TRUE)
I think you mean "singular gradient" not "linear gradient".
generally indicates that there is not enough information in the data
to estimate all the parameters that you are trying to estimate. I see
that you have set trace = TRUE, which is a good start. Take a look at
the progress of the parameter estimates during the iterations and look
at your data plots to see if the estimates appear to be sensible.