kappa(base) is used to Estimate the Condition Number,so it is NOT
what you want.
And several packages have function related to your question:
cohen.kappa(concord) kappa reliability coefficient for nominal data
kappa2(irr) Cohen's Kappa and weighted Kappa for two raters
ckappa(psy) Cohen's Kappa for 2 raters
Kappa(vcd) Cohen's Kappa and Weighted Kappa
Hope this helps:)
2006/4/29, jones christian <christian.jones at
lycos.com>:> Hello,
> I?m looking for a way to measure the goodness of fit of my model with
Cohen?s Kappa (scaling between 0 and 1).
> The kappa function does not give the results I?m looking for. Heres the
> z<-glm(x~y,binomial)
> kappa(z, exact = T)
> Does anyone know more?
> many thanks
> Christian
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Deparment of Sociology
Fudan University