search for: rater

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 65 matches for "rater".

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2009 Nov 25
reshape question
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2003 Sep 25
mixing nested and crossed factors using lme
Hi all, I have an experiment where 5 raters assessed the quality of 24 web sites. (each rater rated each site once). I want to come up with a measure of reliability of the ratings for the web sites ie to what extent does each rater give the same (or similar) rating to each web site. My idea was to fit a random effects model using lme and fr...
2005 Oct 08
Two-factor ANOVA Help
Hello, I am trying to perform a two-factor ANOVA analysis using a blocking design with "Vol" as the response variable. My intent is to have "Rater" treated as the treatment variable and the "Pipe" treated as the blocking variable. I am reading and preparing my dataset using the following three lines of code: values <- read.table("filename", header=TRUE) attach(values) values = data.frame(values) The dataset is t...
2013 Jan 11
Weighted Kappa for m Raters
Hello, I have 50 raters and 180 cases which are rated as malignant, probably malignant, probably benign, and benign. I want to compare all the raters but I want a weighted kappa to penalize differences between malignant and benign more than differences between malignant and probably malignant. I only found the weight...
2006 May 16
Interrater and intrarater variability (intraclass correlation coefficients)
Hello! I want to calculate the intra- and interrater reliability of my study. The design is very simple, 5 raters rated a diagnostic score 3 times for 19 patients. Are there methods/funtions in R? I only found packages to calculate interrater variability and intraclass correlation coefficients for matrices of n*m (n subjects, m raters) - I have n s...
2006 Feb 09
latent class modle for rater agreement
Hello there, I would like to test the agreement amongst 6 raters for nominal data on a scale from 1-4, and conduct a latent class analysis in R. How should the data be formatted and what code should I use? Thank you very much Lisa Wang Princess Margaret Hospital Biostatistics tel:416 946 4501
2007 Jun 26
inter-rater agreement index kappa
Is there a function that calculates the inter-rater agreement index (kappa) in R? Thanks ../Murli [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Oct 31
stratified kappa (measure agreement or interrater reliability)?
Hi All: Could anyone point me to a package that can calculate stratified kappa? My design is like this, 4 raters, 30 types of diagnosis scores, 20 patients. Each rater will rate each patient for each type of diagnosis score. The rater's value is nominal. I know I can measure the agreement between raters for each type of diagnosis score, e.g., calculate out 30 kappa values. My problem is I want to have...
2003 May 28
Bradley Terry model and glmmPQL getting the following error: iteration 1 Error in MEEM(object, conLin, control$niterEM) : Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1 The long story: I have data from an experiment on pairwise comparisons between 3 treatments (a, b, c). So a typical run of an experiment involves a rater choosing between a versus b, b versus c, or a versus c. The response is either 0 (not chosen) or 1 (chosen) for each treatment. I am interested in using the Bradley-Terry model to analyse this data. The Bradley-Terry model is a reparameterization of an ordinary logistic regression, using dummy vari...
2009 Jul 13
Help With Fleiss Kappa
Hi All, I am using fleiss kappa for inter rater agreement. Are there any know issues with Fleiss kappa calculation in R? Even when I supply mock data with total agreement among the raters I do not get a kappa value of 1. instead I am getting negative values. I am using the irr package version 0.70 Any help is much appreciated. Thanks and Re...
2010 Feb 25
reducing data.frame
Hi All, Is there an easy way to reduce a data.frame to 1 'id' per row while keeping information from the other rows of that same variable, if applicable? e.g.: # data multi[1:15,] id r n wi wi.tau z k alliance a.rater eml treatment outcome o.rater german 1 100 0.2800000 44 41 21.72514 0.2876821 210 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> Client <NA> 2 100 0.2800000 44 41 21.80953 0.2876821 182 <NA> <NA> Early <NA> <NA> <NA>...
2006 May 16
Interrater and intrarater variability (intraclass correlationcoefficients)
...ting the variance components from ANOVA. > -----Original Message----- > From: r-help-bounces at > [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of Karl Knoblick > Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:10 AM > To: r-help at > Subject: [R] Interrater and intrarater variability > (intraclass correlationcoefficients) > > Hello! > > I want to calculate the intra- and interrater reliability of > my study. The design is very simple, 5 raters rated a > diagnostic score 3 times for 19 patients. > > Are there methods/...
2012 Feb 01
Function to compute multi-response, multi-rater kappa?
I'm looking for a function in R that extends kappa to multiple raters when there is more than one response per subject. For example, say a group of doctors have to assign diseases to patients. Each patient will be assigned one to many diseases, and the number of doctors assigning diseases to any one patient will be two to many. Here's an extremely simple exam...
2006 Feb 20
Extracting variance components from lmer
Hi All. I need a bit of help extracting the residual error variance from the VarCorr structure from lmer. #Here's a 2-way random effects model lmer.1 <- lmer(rating ~ (1|person)+(1|rater), data = dat) #Get the structure <- VarCorr(lmer.1) #results in..... $person 1 x 1 Matrix of class "dpoMatrix" (Intercept) (Intercept) 0.7755392 $rater 1 x 1 Matrix of class "dpoMatrix" (Intercept) (Intercept) 0.2054469 attr(,"sc&qu...
2012 Feb 01
Multi-response, multi-rater kappa?
I'm looking for an extension of kappa to measure agreement among multiple raters when there can be more than one response per subject. For example, say a group of doctors assign diseases to patients. Each patient will be assigned one to many diseases, and the number of doctors assigning diseases to any one patient will be two to many. Here's an extremely simple example...
2005 Mar 29
Primard Domain Controller feature not working
Hey guys, I configured Samba do be the domain controller for my network and to share folders. the folder sharing works great. The problem is that the domain function does not work at all. I cannot join the domain from any workstation. It just says that the controller cannot be contacted. I ran an Ethereal sniff on the packets and the computer that i want to be PDC is sending ICMP Destination
2003 Mar 11
Interrater and intrarater reliability
Dear R users The following function is R code for the main compuations in the article: M. Eliasziw, S Lorraine Young, M Gail Woodbury and Karen Fryday-Field (1994): Statistical Methodology for the Concurrent Assessment of Intrarater and Intrarater Reliability: Using Goniometric Measurements as an Example. Physical Therapy 74 (8); 777-788 The function gives the estimated inter- and intrarater reliabilities (rhohat) for fixed and random rater effects, partial intrarater reliabilities for each rater, F test statistics with corr...
2006 May 17
Response to query re: calculating intraclass correlations
...ta set, all with different interpretations. All of the inputs for these calculations come from the repeated measures analysis which is described in P&B. Good luck! P. Message: 1 Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 10:09:54 +0000 (GMT) From: Karl Knoblick <karlknoblich at> Subject: [R] Interrater and intrarater variability (intraclass correlation coefficients) To: r-help at Message-ID: <20060516100954.6267.qmail at> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hello! I want to calculate the intra- and interrater reliability of my study....
2006 Mar 07
Star Rating Component?
...9;m looking for a star rating component for RoR, a bit like Votio ( - find the votio heading) or the star rating used on Amazon. I don''t really need the AJAX capabilities, just the ability to bind the results to a hidden drop down, or radio inputs. Multiple raters per page is also an issue. Any recomendations? -- Posted via
2008 Aug 22
simple generation of artificial data with defined features
Dear R-colleagues, I am quite a newbie to R fighting my stupidity to solve a probably quite simple problem of generating artificial data with defined features. I am conducting a study of inter-observer-agreement in child-bronchoscopy. One of the most important measures is Kappa according to Fleiss, which is very comfortable available in R through the irr-package. Unfortunately medical doctors