Hello I've checked through previous postings but don't see a fully equivalent problem-just a few hints. I have been trying to set a new method for the existing function "table" or "as.data.frame.table" for my class "tfSites". Taking out all the useful code and just returning the input class I get the error setMethod("table", "tfSites", function(.Object) .Object) Error in conformMethod(signature, mnames, fnames, f) : In method for function "table": formal arguments omitted in the method definition cannot be in the signature (exclude = "tfSites") setMethod("as.data.frame.table", "tfSites", function(.Object) .Object ) Error in conformMethod(signature, mnames, fnames, f) : In method for function "as.data.frame.table": formal arguments omitted in the method definition cannot be in the signature (x = "tfSites") What does this mean? Is there something peculiar about the table function? Is it because it takes arguments beginning table(..., etc) Thanks In Advance Stephen Henderson Wolfson Inst. for Biomedical Research Cruciform Bldg., Gower Street University College London United Kingdom, WC1E 6BT +44 (0)207 679 6827 ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidentia...{{dropped}}
---sorry to repost I sent it as HTML last time--- Hello I've checked through previous postings but don't see a fully equivalent problem-just a few hints. I have been trying to set a new method for the existing function "table" or "as.data.frame.table" for my class "tfSites". Taking out all the useful code and just returning the input class I get the error>setMethod("table", "tfSites", function(.Object) .Object)Error in conformMethod(signature, mnames, fnames, f) : In method for function "table": formal arguments omitted in the method definition cannot be in the signature (exclude = "tfSites")>setMethod("as.data.frame.table", "tfSites", function(.Object) .Object )Error in conformMethod(signature, mnames, fnames, f) : In method for function "as.data.frame.table": formal arguments omitted in the method definition cannot be in the signature (x = "tfSites") What does this mean? Is there something peculiar about the table function? Is it because it takes arguments beginning table(..., etc) Thanks In Advance Stephen Henderson Wolfson Inst. for Biomedical Research Cruciform Bldg., Gower Street University College London United Kingdom, WC1E 6BT +44 (0)207 679 6827 ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidentia...{{dropped}}
Apparently Analagous Threads
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- methods package: A _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_=true error
- methods package: A _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_=true error
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