Hi there, I'm doing some clustering analysis and try to find all the algorithms related to clustering in R. Here is the list of the algorithms I found. But I'm not sure if It's the complete list. Could you please check it and see if there're other ones? Thank you very much! P.S.: List of the algorithms related to clustering: (1) Hierarchical methods hclust agnes diana mona mclust hopach (2) Partitioning methods pam: clustering around medoids clara: clustering large datasets fanny: fuzzy cluster analysis (3) k-means: bdCluster: big data k-means clustering kmeans: Hartigan's K-Means Clustering [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>>>>> On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 11:09:24 -0800, >>>>> Linda Lei (LL) wrote:> Hi there, > I'm doing some clustering analysis and try to find all the algorithms > related to clustering in R. Here is the list of the algorithms I found. > But I'm not sure if > It's the complete list. Could you please check it and see if there're > other ones? You may want to have a look at the CTAN Task View about Clustering at cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Views HTH, Fritz Leisch -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Friedrich Leisch Institut f??r Statistik Tel: +49 89 2180 3165 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit??t Fax: +49 89 2180 5308 Akademiestra??e 1 D-80799 M??nchen ci.tuwien.ac.at/~leisch