Abderrahim Oulhaj <abderrahim.oulhaj <at> pharmacology.oxford.ac.uk>
> Dear All,
> I wonder if there is a way to fit a generalized linear mixed models (for
repeated binomial data) via a direct> Maximum Likelihood Approach. The "glmm" in the
"repeated" package (Lindsey),
the "glmmPQL" in the > "MASS" package (Ripley) and "glmmGIBBS" (Myle and
Calyton) are not using the
full maximum likelihood as I> understand. The "glmmML" of Brostrom uses the "full maximum
likelihood" by
approximating the integral> via Gauss- Hermite quadrature. However, glmmML is only valid for the
intercept model and the> binomial family must be represented only as binary data. Does the lmer do
Hmmm. I will be interested to hear what others have to say on
this topic.
* lmer() in the lme4 package (new version of nlme) can in
fact do GLMMs with a choice of different
integration methods (PQL is the default but not the only choice).
* GLMMGibbs [sic] was actually
using a full likelihood rather than an approximation, but was
a Bayesian rather than a ML approach [GLMMGibbs is now in the
"Devel" section of CRAN, apparently because of various unresolved
compilation/installation problems.]
If you want to fit temporal correlation, as well as
individual random effects, you may be out of luck: a GEE
model will probably be your best bet in that case. When I asked
about the possibility of incorporating temporal/spatial correlation
structures like those in nlme into lme4, Doug Bates said that he
wanted to work first on getting the basic framework of the package
really solid [can't blame him at all, and of course honor and
glory to him for putting so much work into these tools in the first place]
good luck,
Ben Bolker