Displaying 20 results from an estimated 23 matches for "glmmgibbs".
2002 Jan 18
TeX error generated by R CMD CHECK
can anyone explain the following error I get when trying to
use the CHECK command to check a new version of my pakcage under 1.4.0?
./R CMD check ~/GLMMGibbs.0.5.1/GLMMGibbs
* checking for working latex ... OK
* using log directory `/homef/jonm/R-1.4.0/bin/GLMMGibbs.Rcheck'
<Installs library, documentation, and then performs various tests,
including the example, OK, then ...>
* creating GLMMGibbs-manual.tex ... OK
* checking GLMMGi...
2003 Oct 08
Installing GLMMGibbs problems
Dear all;
Installing the GLMMGibbs package to my Solaris Unix box, I got an compiling
ars.c:497:10: missing terminating " character
ars.c: In function `dump_arse':
ars.c:498: error: parse error before "mylesj"
The compiling error was reported to the list on Jul 3, 2003. According to
Prof. B...
2003 Jul 03
compilation error when installing GLMMGibbs on SuSE Linux 8.2 (R v. 1.7.1)
I getting compilation errors when trying to install GLMMGibbs (see below).
I'm running R v 1.7.1 on SuSE Linux 8.2.
Has anyone else had this problem? I tried it on a Win2000/R 1.5.1 combination
and it worked fine. Any hints are greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
trying URL `http://cran....
2001 Aug 30
GLMMGibbs crashes on seeds data
Hi all
I know GLMMGibbs is still in beta but has anyone experienced (and
solved ;-) this problem?
I decided to look at the seeds example but I get a core dump on two
intel linux boxes and also a sun workstation. All are running R1.3.0
but different hardware/OS's so I think I've done something wrong
> library(...
2002 Jan 19
correlated random effects in GLMMGibbs ?
Dear R-users,
I wondered if anyone has extended GLMMGibbs to include correlated
random effects, and if so, whether they would be willing to let me
use their code?
Jonathan Myles has no plans to extend glmm in this manner within the
foreseeable future.
With thanks,
2005 Dec 21
I am trying to use glmm() in library GLMMGibbs, but I don't seem to have
the package and it is not listed on CRAN.
Is it no longer supported? (I am using R 2.1.1 on Windows.)
Many thanks in advance for your help.
The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and...{{dropped}}
2000 Dec 15
Gibbs sampling in GLMMs: Beta testers required
...ed to
describe a rather amateurish approach to distributing software
which may annoy some people, but I sincerely hope it doesn't.
I've been working for some years with David Clayton on a project which
started life as
an S package but has now turned into an R library. It is (now)
called GLMMGibbs and estimates the parameters of the Generalised
Linear Mixed Model by Gibbs Sampling (using the Bayesian
The basic idea is that one declares a particular factor to be
a random effect with one statement and then performs the Gibbs sampling
with another statement with syntax somewhat like...
2005 Dec 15
generalized linear mixed model by ML
Dear All,
I wonder if there is a way to fit a generalized linear mixed models (for repeated binomial data) via a direct Maximum Likelihood Approach. The "glmm" in the "repeated" package (Lindsey), the "glmmPQL" in the "MASS" package (Ripley) and "glmmGIBBS" (Myle and Calyton) are not using the full maximum likelihood as I understand. The "glmmML" of Brostrom uses the "full maximum likelihood" by approximating the integral via Gauss- Hermite quadrature. However, glmmML is only valid for the random intercept model and the bi...
2002 May 23
Multilevel model with dichotomous dependent variable
...utcome variable (presence or absence of an attribute). As far as I can
tell from reading archives of the R and S lists, as well as Pinheiro and
Bates and Venables and Ripley,
- nlme does not have the facility to do what amounts to a mixed-effects
logistic regression.
- The canonical alternative is GLMMgibbs, but there are concerns about
this as well.
- There has been some talk of wrappers around nlme that would add PQL (a
technique about which I know nothing) as a way of estimating such
Does this accurately summarize the state of software availability? If not,
what updates should I know ab...
2002 Apr 01
writing a package for generalized linear mixed modesl
Happy new month, everyone!
I am planning to write a NIH grant proposal to study ways to speed
Monte Carlo based maximum likelihood algorithm for hierarchical models
with a focus on generalized linear mixed models (GLM with random
effects). I thought it would be nice and also increase the chance of
funding if I could produce an R package in the process. I understand
that Prof. Pinheiro ang Bates
2001 Oct 11
Where's MVA?
License: GPL (see file COPYING), except for ./src/muin2ser.f and ./misc which are free for non-commercial purposes. See file README for details.
URL: http://www.r-project.org
Index of Contents (Text)
Reference Manual (PDF)
Package Sources
AnalyzeFMRI CoCoAn Devore5 EMV GLMMGibbs GenKern GeneSOM KernSmooth Matrix NISTnls Oarray PHYLOGR PTAk RArcInfo RMySQL RODBC RPgSQL RandomFields RmSQL Rstreams Rwave SASmixed SuppDists VR XML acepack adapt akima ash bindata blighty boot bootstrap bqtl car cclust cfa chron cluster cmprsk coda conf.design cramer date diamonds dse e1071 elli...
2001 Sep 12
Multilevel models with binary data
...onse variable, binomial errors and multiple levels of nesting of random
effects (e.g. site/block/quadrat/year), is there a package available which
will do this? Jim Lindsey's package "repeated" appears to be only able to
cope with 2 levels of nesting.
Also I have been looking at the GLMMGibbs package but cannot locate the
document "GLMMGibbs: An R Package for Estimating Bayesian Generalised Linear
Mixed Models by Gibbs Sampling" which is supposed to be distributed with
the package. Does anyone have this or can they tell me where to find it?
Yvonne Buckley
2002 May 13
Spatio-temporal analysis of homicide rates
...do is to describe spatio-temporal variation
of homicide rates, identifying those combinations of province-year where
the homicide rate is either over- or underrepresented based on Poisson
Is it possible to carry out such an analysis with R? If so, what package
should be preferred? GLMMGibbs, geoRglm, and function glmmPQL in MASS
package sound as possible choices to me, but I'm no expert of this kind of
analysis and I'd much appreciate any indication.
Thank you very much for any help and best regards,
Maurizio Pisati
2001 Oct 26
glim and gls
I would like to know if there is any package that allow us to fit
Generalized Linear Models via Maximum Likelihood and Linear Models using
Generalized Least Squarse in R as the functions glim and gls,
respectively, from S-Plus.
Also, anybody know if there is any package that fit Log-Linear Models
using Generalized Least Squares?
Any help will be very useful.
2002 May 08
HGLM in R (was: writing a package for generalized linear mixed models)
...rmation and graphics.
>> I would appeciate your comments on the following points:
>> 1. Is there a strong need for a package for generalized linear mixed
>> models? Could someone have already written or in the process of writing
>> one?
>See package GLMMgibbs on CRAN, function glmmPQL in package MASS and
>function glmm (only a random intercept) in one of Jim Lindsey's packages.
>GLMMs are half a chapter in the upcoming fourth edition of Venables &
>> 3. How big is the undertaking? I have some R code for GLMM tha...
2002 Feb 20
Code for bivariate Poisson regression?
Dear RHelpers,
Does anyone know of any R code to perform bivariate Poisson regression
(including random effects)?
Best wishes
Simon D.W. Frost, M.A., D.Phil.
Department of Pathology
University of California, San Diego
Antiviral Research Center
(Formerly: UCSD Treatment Center)
150 W. Washington St., Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92103
Tel: +1 619 543 8080 x275
Fax: +1 619 298 0177
2002 Apr 12
summary: Generalized linear mixed model software
...less bias for finite samples. Of course, one can argue
that Bayesian formulation automatically generates REML for variance
Now the software.
PQL and variations: GLME in beta by José Pinheiro, reglm by Gordon
Smyth, glmmPQL in package MASS by Venables & Ripley
Bayesian method: GLMMgibbs and BUGS (not a R or S-plus package).
Standard MLE: glmm (only a random intercept) in one of Jim Lindsey's
Ok, this still leaves us without a good way of doing standard MLE. I
have programmed standard MLE using R. It takes 6 minutes for a
clustered binary outcome dataset, with 50...
2002 Feb 13
glmms with negative binomial responses
I am trying to find a way to analyze a "simple" mixed model with two
levels of a treatment, a random blocking factor, and (wait for it)
negative binomial count distributions as the response variable. As far as
I can tell, the currently available R offerings (glmmGibbs, glmmPQL in
MASS, and Jim Lindsey's glmm code) aren't quite up to this. From what I
have read (e.g. http://www.stat.ufl.edu/~jhobert/papers/nb7.ps), SAS PROC
NLMIXED seems like the best way to go. I can go do that if I have to, but
I'd prefer to do it in R if that seems feasible.
2002 Apr 08
I would like to fit generalized linear mixed models but I did not find
the package allowing such procedure.
R help under nlme package gives me "glmmPQL(MASS)" but this file does
not appear in contributed packages.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Alexandre MILLON
r-help mailing list -- Read
2006 Jul 13
package GLLMGibbs
Tried to look for package GLLMGibbs-(package for fitting mixed models by
Gibbs samppling contributed by Myles' and Clayton) in CRAN but not found
it, Does anybody know if it is still available?