Displaying 20 results from an estimated 116 matches for "pql".
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2005 Jun 16
identical results with PQL and Laplace options in lmer function (package lme4)
Dear R users
I encounter a problem when i perform a generalized linear mixed model (binary data) with the lmer function (package lme4)
with R 2.1.0 on windows XP and the latest version of package "lme4" (0.96-1) and "matrix" (0.96-2)
both options "PQL" and "Laplace" for the method argument in lmer function gave me the same results (random and fixed effects estimates, standard error and p.values). However, Loglikelihood and deviance are different.
here is an example reproduced with the bacteria data set available in the MASS packa...
2009 Jan 22
convergence problem gamm / lme
...ndom effect
for code_tripnr. The offset (‘offsetter’) accounts for the haul duration and
sub sampling factor. There are no extreme outliers in lat/lon. The model we try
to fit is:
Maximum number of PQL iterations: 200
iteration 1
iteration 2
Error in MEestimate(lmeSt, grps) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)
We tried several things. We added some
noise to lon and lat, modelled the density instead of using a count with model
offset, and we normali...
2008 Jul 06
Error: cannot use PQL when using lmer
> library(MASS)
> attach(bacteria)
> table(y)
n y
43 177
> y<-1*(y=="y")
> table(y,trt)
y placebo drug drug+
0 12 18 13
1 84 44 49
> library(lme4)
> model1<-lmer(y~trt+(week|ID),family=binomial,method="PQL")
Error in match.arg(method, c("Laplace", "AGQ")) :
'arg' should be one of ?Laplace?, ?AGQ?
2005 Nov 24
AIC in lmer when using PQL
I am analysing binomial data using a generalised mixed effects model. I
understand that if I use glmmPQL it is not appropriate to compare AIC
values to obtain a minimum adequate model.
I am assuming that this means it is also inappropriate to use AIC values
from lmer since, when analysing binomial data, lmer also uses PQL
methods. However, I wasn't sure so please could somebody clarify this
2007 Nov 30
lmer and method call
Hello all,
I'm attempting to fit a generalized linear mixed-effects model using lmer
(R v 2.6.0, lmer 0.99875-9, Mac OS X 10.4.10) using the call:
vidusLMER1 <- lmer(jail ~ visit + gender + house + cokefreq + cracfreq +
herofreq + borcur + comc + (1 | code), data = vidusGD, family = binomial,
correlation = corCompSymm(form = 1 | ID), method = "ML")
Although the model fits, the
2009 Feb 15
GLMM, ML, PQL, lmer
Dear R community,
I have two questions regarding fitting GLMM using maximum likelihood method.
The first one arises from trying repeat an analysis in the Breslow and
Clayton 1993 JASA paper. Model 3 of the epileptic dataset has two random
effects, one subject specific, and one observation specific. Thus if we
count random effects, there are more parameters than observations. When I
try to run the
2006 Jun 29
lmer - Is this reasonable output?
...nd 52) named siteid. I'm estimating a logistic regression model
with random intercept and another version with random intercept and
random slope for one of the independent variables.
fit.1 <- lmer(glaucoma~(1|siteid)+x1
Generalized linear mixed model fit using PQL
Formula: glaucoma ~ (1 | siteid) + x1 + x2
Data: set1
Family: binomial(logit link)
AIC BIC logLik deviance
236.7448 249.4944 -114.3724 228.7448
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
2002 May 23
Multilevel model with dichotomous dependent variable
...as well as Pinheiro and
Bates and Venables and Ripley,
- nlme does not have the facility to do what amounts to a mixed-effects
logistic regression.
- The canonical alternative is GLMMgibbs, but there are concerns about
this as well.
- There has been some talk of wrappers around nlme that would add PQL (a
technique about which I know nothing) as a way of estimating such
Does this accurately summarize the state of software availability? If not,
what updates should I know about? If so, what would be the costs and
benefits of the following courses of action:
1.) Use nlme, violating the...
2003 Nov 21
glmmPQL, log-likelihoods issue
a reviewer for a paper of mine noted an anomaly in some models I ran using
glmmPQL (from the MASS package). Specifically, the models are three-level
hierarchical probit models estimated using PQL under R. The anomaly is
that the log-likelihoods decrease (or, alternatively -2logLik increases)
as variables are added to the null model. This is unusual, and I'm trying
to figure...
2006 Jan 25
About lmer output
Dear R users:
I am using lmer fo fit binomial data with a probit link function:
> fer_lmer_PQL<-lmer(fer ~ gae + ctipo + (1|perm) -1,
+ family = binomial(link="probit"),
+ method = 'PQL',
+ data = FERTILIDAD,
+ msVerbose= True)
The output look like this:
> fer_lmer_PQL
Generalized linear mixed model fit u...
2007 Sep 25
R lmer with problem of 'sd slot has negative entries'
Dear R Users,
I want to fit GLMM with lmer with binomial data and a one-way random
effects model with an overall mean and random effects. From R help,
Laplace is slower than PQL, but more accurate. When I fit my model with
Laplace method with
control = list (usePQL = FALSE)),
for most data sets it works well, but for some I get an error message
(Error in if (any(sd < 0)) return("'sd' slot has negative entries") :
missing value where TRUE...
2004 Aug 04
cross random effects
Dear friends,
I have asked last few days about cross-random effects
using PQL, but I have not receive any answer because
might my question was not clear.
My question was about analysing the salamander mating
data using PQL. This data contain cross-random effects
for (male) and for (female). By opining MASS and lme
library. I wrote this code
sala.glmm <- glmmPQL(fixed=y~...
2004 Nov 01
...have a
standard error of 0.4354 from glmm and 0.5338 from glmmML. Any idea about this
Thanks in advance
Clemens Tilke
library (MASS)
data (bacteria)
contrasts (bacteria$trt) <- structure (contr.sdif (3),
dimnames = list (NULL, c ("drug", "enc")))
bacteria.pql <- glmmPQL (y ~ trt + I(week > 2), random = ~ 1 |
ID, family = binomial, data = bacteria)
summary (bacteria.pql)
library (repeated)
y1 <- 1 * (bacteria$y == "y")
bacteria1 <- data.frame (bacteria, y1 = y1)
bacteria.glmm <- glmm (y1 ~ trt + I(week > 2), nest = ID, d...
2005 Dec 14
Fitting binomial lmer-model, high deviance and low logLik
...el (if no other model selection
criterias are suggested).
the syntax looks like this:
> mod <- lmer(sfox ~ roefoxratio + (1|fam), data=manu2, family=binomial)
The output looks ok, except that the deviance is extremely high
> mod
Generalized linear mixed model fit using PQL
Formula: sfox ~ roefoxratio + (1 | fam)
Data: manu2
Family: binomial(logit link)
AIC BIC logLik deviance
1.797693e+308 1.797693e+308 -8.988466e+307 1.797693e+308
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
fam (Intercept)...
2005 Sep 22
anova on binomial LMER objects
...nsure a
light effect
# fitting the model
m1<-lmer(cbind(survival, death)~light+species+damage+(1|house),
data=bm.surv, family="quasibinomial")
summary(m1) # suggests that light is very significant
Generalized linear mixed model fit using PQL
Formula: cbind(survival, death) ~ light + species + damage + (1 | table)
Data: bm.surv
Family: quasibinomial(logit link)
AIC BIC logLik deviance
227.0558 239.6218 -107.5279 215.0558
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
table (Intercept) 1.8158e-09 4.2613...
2008 Aug 19
R vs Stata on generalized linear mixed models: glmer and xtmelogit
I have compared the potentials of R and Stata about GLMM, analysing the dataset 'ohio' in the package 'faraway' (the same dataset is analysed with GEE in the book 'Extending the linear model with R' by Julian Faraway).
Basically, I've tried the 2 commands 'glmmPQL' and 'glmer' of R and the command 'xtmelogit' of Stata. If I'm not wrong, 'glmer' uses the Laplacian approximation as default, corresponding to adaptive Gauss-Hermite approximation with only 1 point, while 'xtmelogit' uses 7 points. In order to compare them,...
2004 Nov 23
Convergence problem in GLMM
Dear list members,
In re-running with GLMM() from the lme4 package a generalized-linear mixed
model that I had previously fit with glmmPQL() from MASS, I'm getting a
warning of a convergence failure, even when I set the method argument of
GLMM() to "PQL":
> bang.mod.1 <- glmmPQL(contraception ~ as.factor(children) + cage + urban,
+ random=~as.factor(children) + cage + urban|district,
+ family=binomial, dat...
2004 Jun 01
lme4_0.6-1 uploaded
...f at useR!2004.
Using sparse matrix methods - in particular, Tim Davis' LDL package -
we are able to fit models with crossed random effects quickly and
effectively. This package also contains an implementation of GLMM for
Generalized Linear Mixed Models using either Penalized
Quasi-Likelihood (PQL) or ML estimation using the Laplacian
approximation to the marginal likelihood. At present method =
'Laplace' is considerably slower than method = 'PQL'. We would
recommend using PQL for model building and determining final parameter
estimates using method = 'Laplace'.
2002 May 31
Convergence and singularity in glmmPQL
Using R 1.5.0 under linux and the latest MASS and nlme, I am trying to
develop a three-level (two levels of nesting) model with a dichotomous
oucome variable. The unconditional model is thus:
> doubt1.pql<-glmmPQL(fixed = r.info.doubt ~ 1, random = ~1 |
+ family = binomial, data = fgdata.10statements.df)
iteration 1
iteration 2
iteration 3
iteration 4
iteration 5
> summary(doubt1.pql)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
Data: fgdata.10statements.df...
2003 Jun 19
Hi All,
does anyone know if the package GLME by J. Pinheiro is available anywhere
in any form? checking on the archive I got that it was at some point, as as
a beta version (for S-Plus only, alas)...
Federico C.F. Calboli
Department of Biology
University College London
Room 327
Darwin Building
Gower Street
Tel: (+44) 020 7679 4395