Florence Combes wrote:> Dear all,
> Trying to produce 4 maImage plots (marray package) on the same device (2 on
> the top and 2 on the bottom) with the layout() function or the
> function, we are facing the following problem:
> it seems that maImage() does nt care about any of these 2 functions, and
> plots only one image at a time.
> Maybe this is inherent to this maImage() function, but we did not find
> anything about it here in the list, or in the '?maImage' and
> help.
> Do someone have any information about this ?
From a quick look at the code, I think the problem is that maImage()
calls layout() itself (and in "traditional" graphics, layouts cannot
nested). In other words, maImage() always uses the entire "page".
Some options:
(i) you could try to figure out how to call the maImage.func() directly
(basically do the rearranging of the data that maImage() does yourself).
(ii) you could try to figure out how to call the image() function
instead (again, requiring you to rearrange your data).
(ii) you could email the bioconductor help list (marray is a BioC package).
(iii) you could email the package authors/maintainers directly.
Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392
paul at stat.auckland.ac.nz