Samuele Carcagno
2005-Nov-23 03:33 UTC
[R] Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon for interaction term
Hi, I'm running a repeated measure ANOVA to test the effects of the within-subjects factors "congr", "isi" and their interaction, on the variable "latencies" aov(latencies ~ congr*isi + Error(subj/(congr*isi)),data=dats) "congr" has 4 levels, while "isi" has "3" levels. I would like to check for possible violations of the sphericity assumption, and following the example given by Baron and Li(2004), I was able to compute Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon for the effect of "congr" and for the effect of "isi". I calculated the variance/covariance matrix for each of these terms by averaging the "latencies" across the levels of the other factor, but I can't figure out how to calculate the variance/covariance matrix for the interaction term. I've looked up several books and tutorials over the internet to find a solution, but either they skip entirely over the actual calculations and present instead the output given by SPSS, or they are at a too advanced level for me. Any help would be really appreciated, Samuele References: - Baron,J. & Li,Y.(2004).Notes on the use of R for psychology experiments and questionnaires. Available: