Michael Friendly
2005-Aug-04 16:52 UTC
[R] visualizing/summarizing a large, sparse logistic regression
I have data on ~340000 cases where it is desired to predict binary outcome, Withdrawn, using up to 8, A:H, predictors in a 3 x 2^7 design, but where the frequencies in these 168 cells vary enormously (1--108000). As well, there are two additional variables, Agency and Office, and it is desired, among other things, to determine if the rates vary with Agency and Office controlling for A - H. I fit an initial model Withdrawn ~ A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H giving all main effects significant, and am trying to find a compact way to summarize and visualize the fitted rates under this model, or a more complex model involving Agency and Office plus potential interactions among A-H. Can someone point me in some useful directions or to some similar examples? thanks, -Michael -- Michael Friendly Email: friendly at yorku.ca Professor, Psychology Dept. York University Voice: 416 736-5115 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814 4700 Keele Street math.yorku.ca/SCS/friendly.html Toronto, ONT M3J 1P3 CANADA