search for: logistic

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1949 matches for "logistic".

2008 May 25
How to write a package based on nlme
...e that based on nlme however my code does not work. R always appears this message: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "y" not found where y is the response variable. Please help me out! This is my code: require(nlme) AMPmixed<-function(y, x, S1=c("asymptotic","logistic"), random,data, S2=c("asymptotic","logistic"), start) { logist.logist<-function(x,alpha,delta,psi.l,tau.l,gamma,h){ delta+(alpha-delta+gamma*(x-(h-1))/exp(x))/(1+exp(-(x-tau.l)/psi.l))} logist.asymp<-function(x,alpha,delta,psi...
2002 Dec 10
clogit and general conditional logistic regression
Can someone clarify what I cannot make out from the documentation? The function 'clogit' in the 'survival' package is described as performing a "conditional logistic regression". Its return value is stated to be "an object of class clogit which is a wrapper for a coxph object." This suggests that its usefulness is confined to the sort of data which arise in survival/proportional hazard applications. My question is: is 'clogit' capable o...
2011 Dec 13
How to compute 95%CI for OR from logistic regression?
Hi all: My data has 3 variables: age(3levels : <30y=1 30-50y=2, >50y=3) gender(Male=0, Female=1) CD4 cell count(raw lab measurement) y(1:death 0:alive) I perform logistic regression to find out the factors that influence y. result<-glm(y ~ factor(age) + factor(gender) + CD4,family = binomial) >From the result,I can get OR(Odds Ratio) of gender via exp(Estimate of Female, since Male is regarded as reference group and has no result).But how can I compute th...
2005 Sep 14
Graphical presentation of logistic regression
Hi, I wonder if anyone has written any code to implement the suggestions of Smart et al (2004) in the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America for a new way of graphically presenting the results of logistic regression (see ools1 for the full text)? I couldn't find anything relating to this sort of graphical representation of logistic models in the archives, but maybe someone has solved it already? In short, Smart et al sugges...
2011 Jul 07
Generalized Logistic and Richards Curve
Dear R helpers, I am not a statistician and right now struggling with Richards curve. Wikipedia says ( The "generalized logistic curve or function", also known as Richard's curve is a widely-used and flexible sigmoid function for growth modelling, extending the well-known logistic curve. Now I am confused and will like to know if the Generalized Logistic distribution as des...
2005 Jun 16
logistic regression - using polys and products of features
Hi I can get all my features by doing this: > logistic.model = glm(similarity ~ ., family=binomial, data = cData[3001:3800,]) I can get the product of all my features by this: logistic.model = glm(similarity ~ . ^ 2, family=binomial, data = cData[3001:3800,]) I don't seem to be able to get polys by doing this: logistic.model = glm(simila...
2007 Oct 11
reference for logistic regression
Dear list, first accept my apologies for asking a non-R question. Can anyone point me to a good reference on logistic regression? web or book references would be great. I am interested in the use and interpretation of dummy variables and prediction models. I checked the contributed section in the CRAN homepage but could not find anything (Julian Faraway?s "practical Regression and ANOVA using R" does...
2005 May 27
logistic regression
Hi I am working on corpora of automatically recognized utterances, looking for features that predict error in the hypothesis the recognizer is proposing. I am using the glm functions to do logistic regression. I do this type of thing: * logistic.model = glm(formula = similarity ~., family = binomial, data = data) and end up with a model: > summary(logistic.model) Call: glm(formula = similarity ~ ., family = binomial, data = data) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Med...
2009 Oct 31
Logistic and Linear Regression Libraries
Hi all, I'm trying to discover the options available to me for logistic and linear regression. I'm doing some tests on a dataset and want to see how different flavours of the algorithms cope. So far for logistic regression I've tried glm(MASS) and lrm (Design) and found there is a big difference. Is there a list anywhere detailing the options available which...
2009 Apr 22
Hello, I can not get the function returns "Error: could not find function """. Do I need to upload as specific package first? I am trying to check the fit of a mixed logistic model. Also, any advice for checking the assumption of independence in a mixed logistic...
2012 Nov 09
Logistic curve fitting with y values >1 (R version 2.15.2, OS is OS X 10.6.8)
Hello, I'm trying to fit a logistic curve to data but I'm having a hard time discovering how. Every tutorial I've come across either assumes the logistic curve has 0<y<1 or assumes I have multiple categories of data I simply have two vectors, a and b, of equal length with no missing data, and I suspect they follow a l...
2012 Feb 17
stepwise selection for conditional logistic regression
 Hi, Is there any function available to do stepwise selection of variables in Conditional(matched) logistic regression( clogit)? step, stepwise  etc are failing in case of conditional logistic regression. Please help.  Thanks P.T. Subha [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Sep 17
Grouped Logistic (Or conditional Logistic.)
Hi, I'm not sure of the correct nomenclature or function for what I'm trying to do. I'm interested in calculated a logistic regression on a binary dependent variable (True,False). There are a few ways to easily do this in R. Both SVM and GLM work easily. The part that I want to add is "group wise" awareness. So that the algorithm computes the coefficients to maximize the liklihood of of a "True&quo...
2002 Nov 28
Logistic Regression with 9 classes
Hello! I need to classify a data set with 19 variables and 9 classes using Logistic Regression(on R). I know that when we have only 2 classes we can use glm() to estimate the coefficients of the model. But I don?t understand how can I do a classification task with Logistic Regression on a data set with 9 classes! Does anybody know how can I estimate these coefficients (of a m...
2008 Nov 08
Fitting a modified logistic with glm?
Hi all, Where f(x) is a logistic function, I have data that follow: g(x) = f(x)*.5 + .5 How would you suggest I modify the standard glm(..., family='binomial') function to fit this? Here's an example of a clearly ill-advised attempt to simply use the standard glm(..., family='binomial') approach: ######## # F...
2008 Nov 04
ordered logistic regression of survey data with missing variables
Hello: I am working with a stratified survey dataset with sampling weights and I want to use multiple imputation to help with missingness. 1. Is there a way to run an ordered logistic regression using both a multiply imputed dataset (i.e. from mice) and adjust for the survey characteristics using the weight variable? The Zelig package is able to do binary logistic regressions for survey data and handle the missing data (logit.survey) but I could not find a way to do both...
2009 Jul 30
Logistic regression and R
Hello everybody :-) I have some data that I want to model with a logistic regression, most of the independent variables are numeric and the only dependent is categorical, I was thinking that I could apply a logistic regression using glm but I wanted to deepen my knowledge of this so I tried to do some reading and found the "iris" dataset, now I would like t...
2012 Feb 06
Logistic Regression
I am looking for R packages that can make a Logistic Regression model with parameter estimation by Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Many thanks for helping out.
2010 Aug 09
Logistic Regression in R (SAS -like output)
Hello useRs, I have a problem at hand which I'd think is fairly common amongst groups were R is being adopted for Analytics in place of SAS. Users would like to obtain results for logistic regression in R that they have become accustomed to in SAS. Towards this end, I was able to propose the Design package in R which contains many functions to extract the various metrics that SAS reports. If you have suggestions pertaining to other packages, or sample code that replicates some of t...
2006 Jul 07
Levels and GLM
I am using the as.factor command to use with glm. When I use the command >maj <- as.factor(data.logistic$Majors) >maj I receive the following output: [1] M M N M M M M N N M M M N M M M M M M M M M M M N M N N M M N M M N M M M M M [40] N M N M M N M M M N M N M N M N N N M N M M M M M M N M N M M M M M N N M M M [79] M M M N N M M N M N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N M M M M M N M M M M M N...