SUBIRANA CACHINERO, ISAAC wrote:> Hi everyone,
> I am doing 5 years mortality predictive index score with survival analysis
using a Cox proportional hazard model where I have a continous predictive
variable and a right censored response which is the mortality, and the
individuals were followed a maximum of 7 years.
> I'd like to asses the discrimination ability of survival analysis Cox
model by computing a ROC curve and area under the curve for a fixed time (5
years), taking into account that the response is not binary but right censored.
> So, is there a function that computes a ROC curve under right censored
survival data?
> Thank you in advance.
I don't find ROC curves themselves very useful but the area under them
is useful and is a simple translation of the Somers' Dxy rank
correlation between predicted survival probability (or anything
monotonically related to it just is log hazard) and observed survival
time. Dxy = 2*(C-.5) where C is the concordance index, a generalization
of ROC area not requiring choosing a specific time point. You can get
this in the rcorr.cens function in the Hmisc package.
> Isaac Subirana: isubirana at
> Institut Municipal d'Investigaci?? M??dica (IMIM),
> Barcelona (Spain)
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