Save the command(s) in a batch (.bat) file, and then run the .bat
file from the task scheduler.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mikkel Grum [mailto:mi2kelgrum at]
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 3:18 PM
To: RHelp
Subject: [R] scheduling R tasks under windows
I'm trying to schedule R tasks in Windows Server 2003.
I can run the following from the DOS prompt without
any difficulty:
c:\Reports>c:\r\rw2001\bin\rterm.exe --no-restore
--no-save <test.R> test.out
where test.r has two lines: library(tools);
When I try to run the same from the task scheduler, I
fill in the dialogue box as follows:
Run: c:\r\rw2001\bin\rterm.exe --no-restore --no-save
<test.R> test.out
Start in: c:\Reports
Which opens Rterm, but is preceded by "ARGUMENT
'<test.R>' __ignored__" and "ARGUMENT 'test.out'
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
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